Lotus Has A Lump On His Side!


Apr 6, 2009
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Hi guys

I recently noticed Lotus becoming a little lazy, keeps resting alot.

Just noticed he has a pea size lump on his side.

I will try a get a photo of it.

I keep his water very clean, its filtered, heated etc as most of you know.

Any ideas?
Managed to get a couple of photos


Where has everyone gone off this site?

Its so quiet now :sad:
almost certainly swimbladder. is he having trouble with his balance in the water. feed peas every other day for a week. no dry foods (mid week 2-3 frozen bloodworms if you have them and nothing more). google betta anatomy and see where their swimbladder is located. certainly not a tumor or lymphcystis. keep water temp stable.
let us know what you think.
Could also be thyroid issues, apparently it's quite common in tropical fish.
Check out the anaotmy :)
Thank you so much for replying :)

I'll try what you said and keep you informed :good:
He doesn't seem to have trouble swimming with balance, more leaning on his one side when resting :(

I am sure he has a slight lump the other side too :sad:
definitely swimbladder then. they actually have 2 which is what the other lump (on the other side) is. try the peas and dont feed pellets or any other dry food for a week and see if he improves. make sure tank temp is stable. swimbladder issues are not lethal to the fish. just makes them look pathetic as they lean and cant gain balance.
all the best
Great thank you, he had no food yesterday, and today a quarter of a pea :)
He is still no better :(

What can I do? I have done Interpet no. 9, two courses of this. I am going to change the water daily and see how he goes.

I have lowered his water level tonight because he struggles to swim, he gets to the top and falls back to the bottom. He must be feeling really heavy.

I am beginning to think its a tumor :(

He still eats though, if fact he is really hungry, he had a pea on Friday and 3 bloodworms tonight.

He is no better, i just don't know what to do now, he looks so fed up and he is too heavy for himself :sad:

I have the water level low, nothing on the tank bottom (he is not poohing)

I gave him an epsom salt bath which has not helped, starved him, give him a pea, bloodworm, no pellets at all.

He just is no better.

shall i do a video of him?
pics and video would be good. try to get a good view of this lump. sorry hes struggling.

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