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  1. Hermithall

    Filter Switching Advice

    By all means cut the biowheels out of the emperor and transfer to your new filter, in fact preserve as much of your bacteria colony as possible in this way and there should be no interference with your cycle. Carbon isn't appropriate for longterm use inside a filter - it's purpose is to remove...
  2. Hermithall

    Cheap Gravels And Sands

    LOL Tizer!
  3. Hermithall

    Re-Do Of My Tank

    Hi, I just posted this youtube link on another thread, but thought you might find it interesting too since this chap is a talented aquascaper who works mainly with wood and rocks. Click on the vid and check out some of his other vids too for some ideas and inspiration. Enjoy the new filter...
  4. Hermithall

    Wood In The Aquarium

    Oak is fine - but using it 'live' straight from the tree is probably a bad idea. Use dead wood, that has fallen from the tree out of the growing season - so this is a good time of year to go out and collect it if you're in the UK. Remove the bark, give it a good scrub and soak it for as long as...
  5. Hermithall

    Cichlid Id Plz

    Variation of Livingston Hap? - they certainly have the Hap contours - utter guess though.
  6. Hermithall

    New Red-Tail Shark

    I'd guess your red tail is approx 6 months old, maybe less. My RTBS is 5 inches - he reached that size in his 2nd year. Good luck with yours, hopefully he'll stay friendly with the other fish :)
  7. Hermithall

    My Anaconda

    Beautiful animal - I hope he calms down for you in time :)
  8. Hermithall

    New Red-Tail Shark

    That's typical - had mine about 4 years now and he still scavenges the majority of his food from the bottom. Is your red tail a juvenile? Mine was friendly with other fish to begin with then gradually became more, shall we say, 'selective' about the company he liked to keep.
  9. Hermithall

    Does The Tetratec Ex1200 Fit In The New Juwel Cupboards?!?!

    I can't vouch for the 405, but my 404 is every bit as good as my Tetratec 1200 in terms of flow - it just doesn't hold quite as much media and doesn't look as fancy. My 404 is still going strong after almost 4+ years, while my Tetratec hasn't stood the test of time yet (4 months old). I'm just...
  10. Hermithall

    Does The Tetratec Ex1200 Fit In The New Juwel Cupboards?!?!

    Understandable reservations about drilling your new stand; shame the 1200 won't fit in the cupboard - it's such a good filter for the price. I'm not even sure if the EX700 would fit, but I suspect it might. Mind you, that model has a big drop in flow rate for a saving of only £20. Fluval...
  11. Hermithall

    Contacting Juwel Customer Support

    Ah thank you Ianho - very helpful indeed :)
  12. Hermithall

    Does The Tetratec Ex1200 Fit In The New Juwel Cupboards?!?!

    Fair enough - eyesore though and big holes to drill too for the hoses of course.
  13. Hermithall

    Contacting Juwel Customer Support

    Thanks Micko - never thought about FB. Yeah, customer support seems lacking - I can't get a response at all up to now.
  14. Hermithall

    Does The Tetratec Ex1200 Fit In The New Juwel Cupboards?!?!

    I own a Tetratec 1200 and 3 Juwel tanks and I can tell you it definately does NOT fit in the cupboard of a Rio 180. It fits in the Trigon 350 cupboard and probably the Vision 260 (though haven't tried it).
  15. Hermithall

    Contacting Juwel Customer Support

    Has anyone had any success contacting Juwel via email? If so, what email address did you use please? I'm having no luck luck with [email protected] so if anyone has emailed them and had a response using a different address please forward it to me, thanks guys.
  16. Hermithall

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    A bit of both I think James - my dominant male lab is exactly the same. He's the only one fully coloured up and has spawning rights with 3 other females. There's one other male who's much paler - I've seen him colour up a bit only once when I watched him make a challenge against my dominant lab...
  17. Hermithall

    Project Puffer!

    Very enjoyable thread! I love what you've done with the puffer tank Minnnt - and there's some ingenious DIY going on there; the gutter light is spot on, as is the background. The puffers are very distinctive fish :)
  18. Hermithall

    Aquarium "herd"

    Oh excellent bud, I'll check that out :)
  19. Hermithall

    Pics Of My Malawis And Tank

    Excellent setup m8, I like everything about it and your fish look very healthy :)
  20. Hermithall

    Aquarium "herd"

    I just can't remember who it was Pyro, but it tickled me lol - hey thanks for the plecocaves link, unfortunately I'm in the UK so wouldn't consider purchasing from the site, but it does give me some good ideas, thanks :) Sahira, your tank is gorgeous - everything looks carefully placed and I can...
  21. Hermithall

    Aquarium "herd"

    But Minnnt, it's his childhood home - he's been in there since he was a tiddler! Thanks for mentioning the pic - I don't have much luck photographing fish overall I gotta say, it's just a point and shoot digi cam. I like your avatar pic mate, is that your freshwater puffer?
  22. Hermithall

    Aquarium "herd"

    Hey there Minnnt! Ah the egyptian ornament - you know I really don't like that thing and to me it does spoil the look I've gone for in that tank, because like you say it doesn't look very natural lol! The thing is, I have a bristlenose living in there and don't have the heart to evict him. Here...
  23. Hermithall

    Aquarium "herd"

    Hey Pyro - is that "Migrating Tank Syndrome" lol? It's hilarious to think of the tanks as living entities with their own agendas. Yes, the shark spends a lot of time in his hidey hole - he was my first fish since reactivating the fishkeeping hobby, so he's about 4 years old now. I love redtails...
  24. Hermithall

    Aquarium "herd"

    Hi Sahira, thanks! I expected a bit of criticism to be honest, so the nice comments are appreciated. I mean, I know it's cluttered having tanks in a row like that, but I'm happy with the tanks themselves which is all that matters to me these days - stuff like decorating, furniture placement...
  25. Hermithall

    Pseudotropheus Elongatus Ornatus Breeding

    Quite a small brood - but like you say there might be a few more hiding in the rocks! Elongatus Ornatus were on my wishlist to contrast my yellow labs with their blue coloration, until I read about the females and the subdominant males being yellow - is that true in your experience, only 1...
  26. Hermithall

    Pseudotropheus Elongatus Ornatus Breeding

    Hi Berbie, not sure where you stand on the frozen brine shrimp, just feed them tiny amounts of crushed regular cichlid flake twice daily and the fry will be easy to raise. Avoiding fouling the water in your nursery tank by overfeeding is the key to success. How many fry did you get?
  27. Hermithall

    Algae Wafers

    lol! The frogs sound fun and interesting, and that's a good idea defrosting the cube first. I've tried using one of those feeding cones to give my fish their bloodworm. I guess it it works because they all gradually get an equal amount in an oderly fashion, but it's not as much fun as watching...
  28. Hermithall

    Algae Wafers

    Haha, my fish do the same, and they chase each other 10 times worse with bloodworm too - one grabs the cube and blasts off with it while the rest are in hot pursuit, until he drops it and another one takes over :)
  29. Hermithall

    Algae Wafers

    Yep, sometimes they just need to 'learn' that something new is food - but once they do there's often no stopping 'em. I feed my plec his wafers at night when lights go off, otherwise the other fish snaffle his bait because they too have learnt it is good to eat. Those wafers aren't cheap...
  30. Hermithall

    Aquarium "herd"

    Hey Fishprotector, cheers - there's 40Kg of ocean rock in there for the mbuna. I would have preferred Tufa (Lava) rock but availability was a problem at the time. I thought the ocean rock would buffer the water better than it has, but it didn't have much effect on the wtare hardness, so I've...
  31. Hermithall

    Parrot Fish

    Very cool - you don't see many of these. Are they full parrot cichlid or hybrid, and have they ever spawned?
  32. Hermithall

    Red Tail Shark - White Sides And Puffy

    He's a red rainbow shark, very similar to rtbs! Rusk has nailed it about the urgent need for water changes, since your test results indicate nitrate poisoning as the obvious culprit - nitrate levels above 30 to 40ppm for any extended length of time should be avoided. Ammonia should read zero too...
  33. Hermithall

    Aquarium "herd"

    I was reading an amusing post awhile back (sorry, I can't remember who wrote it) where the person was talking about aquariums as though they were living entities with minds of their own, that aquariums had migratory tendancies and herding instincts, and that they were patient and sneaky...
  34. Hermithall

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    Great to hear you've added some fish, I bet the labs look great against the black tank. Things will keep getting better and better as your stocking level grows. Are there any dominant males yet among the labs and haps? Usually only one dominant male per species will colour up fully for the...
  35. Hermithall

    What On Earth Is That?

    LMAO @ Tizer's post! Hahaha!
  36. Hermithall

    Fish Keep Flicking And I Can't Find Out Why

    It's hard to say for sure what's causing the flicking from your description, but you're right to be concerned because it's certainly a sign of irritation. What do you mean by the "sorta newly cycled" filter? While your water test results are good now, do you think your fish could be showing...
  37. Hermithall

    Filter Overkill?

    I would grab that unused Eheim 2224 for £30 as quick as possible - great bargain! Eheim is a very well repected brand, and it's only the high price tag that sometimes puts folk off. Don't worry about 'filter overkill' - the more times you can turn your water over the better, you really can't...
  38. Hermithall

    Goodness Gracious I've Inherited A Monster!

    I'm doubting this is a common plec, or hoping not anyway, because at 7 years old it would be a very mature specimen having been housed in a 15 gallon tank it's whole life, which doesn't compute! How big is the plec now Amelia? There are a gazillion species of pleco and many of them stay very...
  39. Hermithall

    Did You Know?

    That's interesting - which species of corydora did he take the sting from? I've read some species can aggravate like a bee sting or worse, and the sting may be from a gland under the dorsal fin. It's very interesting; I have 6 albino corys, but haven't experienced a sting - yet!
  40. Hermithall

    Goodness Gracious I've Inherited A Monster!

    Hi Amelia, sorry for the loss of your friend, my condolences. Sounds like your plec could be in a spot of trouble, but they are resilient so I'm sure you can get him back on track soon. As an immediate action in case there is a problem with water conditions, I would recommend you perform a...