What On Earth Is That?


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Beverley - Yorkshire
I was just rearranging my Fluval Edge when this weird looking creature pops out from hiding.

It might not be clear in the photo, but the thing is over 1 cm long, thin, pale, sig legged and has a tail that branches into three prongs. Is it a hazard to my baby shrimp?
It's some kind of insect larvae; probably dragon or damselfly. It will certainly be a danger to baby shrimp, so you want to catch it take out.
I would remove it as soon as possible, i had one in my tank and it grew into this:

Three pronged tail will be a damselfly nymph.
As fluttermouth said it is danger to baby shrimp and fry.
I had one in my tank but it didn't grow quite as large and fearsome as Tizers!
You do realise his ego is now larger than Jupiter, don't you?
Lucky you! Anything smaller than a neon is at risk though, depending on the species.

Heres the one that I grew, it ate a fair few of my betta fry, but 'tis the circle of life :rolleyes:. My damselfly.
What are their habits? I've been looking around for it ever since posting it, but the wiley little guy got away. Any suggestions on how best to find and get rid of them?

(I have Cherry shrimp and CPDs, and I don't want to see them disappear).
They bury into the substrate, hide in plants could be pretty much anywhere.
Try looking in the tank with a flashlight at lights out with room darkened.
Your best chance of catching it is when you do a gravel vac and then pop it into a pond somewhere. They really are beautiful creatures.
This post freaked me out for some reason. I even had a dream that I found lots those in my tank. How do they get in????
They come on plants, sometimes as eggs.

So never put any plants straight from the LFS into a fry tank :good:.

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