Algae Wafers


Nov 1, 2011
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swansea, wales
I've been trying to feed my fish these every now and again to give them a varied diet. Anyway my fish have never been interested in them until I got some corydoras now everything loves it lol my barbs have a go the red eye tetras even try to pick it up an swim away with it but kept dropping it lmao has any1 else ever seen their fish just change their appetite like this
Your cories have acted as dither fish, made the others more confident and shown them that it is food of sorts :)
Really? So the other fish were usure of them so didn't bother now the corys eat them they have showed everything else they are ok to eat? That's pretty cool lol
Yep, sometimes they just need to 'learn' that something new is food - but once they do there's often no stopping 'em. I feed my plec his wafers at night when lights go off, otherwise the other fish snaffle his bait because they too have learnt it is good to eat. Those wafers aren't cheap neither!
That's funny about the tetras trying to swim off with them, I can just imagine that :)
Ill try to get a pic of it to post up I'd normally take it out after bout 10 mins but they are all still goin and my plec has a go so I just leave it they eat it all anyway its so funny to watch they chase each other away lol
Haha, my fish do the same, and they chase each other 10 times worse with bloodworm too - one grabs the cube and blasts off with it while the rest are in hot pursuit, until he drops it and another one takes over :)
Lol my frogs fight over the bloodworm I defrost mine so that I can get it to the bottom for them and they will both pick up the same worm and neither will let go even though there is about 100 more around them lmao
lol! The frogs sound fun and interesting, and that's a good idea defrosting the cube first. I've tried using one of those feeding cones to give my fish their bloodworm. I guess it it works because they all gradually get an equal amount in an oderly fashion, but it's not as much fun as watching the feeding frenzy when I just chuck the cube straight in!
Yeah I was putting the cube straight in but the fish were gettin it all that's why I started defrosting it. It is awsome to watch lol

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