Search results

  1. goin_all_out

    Llj's 20g Journal

    those fish are going to look stunning in this tank, i can't wait to see pictures!
  2. goin_all_out

    54 Litre Low Light Livebearer Scape

    too bad its going! looks GREAT!
  3. goin_all_out

    Emersed Tank Journal

    that is one great looking tank. kinda like the emersed idea of a tank. and to think i have a 2.5 gallon tank sitting around doing nothing lol
  4. goin_all_out

    My 2 20g Long Tanks

    really nice, great to see more people with these "smaller" tanks. considering im limited to a 25 gallon and no bigger (significant other doenst want anything bigger. not even a 40) i love seeing tanks of this size for inspiration. good job.
  5. goin_all_out

    Llj's 8g Nano Nightmare!

    truely an inspiration! keep up the great work. hard to imagine this is done on a budget, i must learn lol
  6. goin_all_out

    Llj's 2.5g Planted Tank Journal

    i was also wondering what sort of heater and filter your suing for this set up? i'm doing what i love to do and reasearch every possible setup before i jump at it. probably my favorite thing to do, other then setting it up.
  7. goin_all_out

    Planted 30l, Low Tech

    looks great! more ideas when i set up a 5 something gallon lol.
  8. goin_all_out

    Cleaning A Tank With Real Plants

    i just do a surface vac the rest is just water change. makes it real simple taht way.
  9. goin_all_out

    Llj's 2.5g Planted Tank Journal

    im considering setting up a 5 or so gallon in the near future with just some dwarf cories so this gives me another species to look into. any shots of the whole tank for an update?
  10. goin_all_out

    Llj's 2.5g Planted Tank Journal

    nice little cory, how is the whole tank doing?
  11. goin_all_out

    Llj's 20g Journal

    love the tank, as always. looks like the cat enjoys them too!
  12. goin_all_out

    The Unknown Crypt

    i have an unknown crypt and was wondering if anyone could id it. its been so long since i bought it i dont remeber at all. if you can find a picture of what you think it is that might help to solve this mystery too.
  13. goin_all_out

    Substrate Change

    sorry, its gonna be a 25 long, the rasboras i have might be goin in exchange for a pair of apistogramma cacatioudes. other then that all that remains of the original equimpment is the filter and heater.
  14. goin_all_out

    Substrate Change

    hey all, been a while since i posted here as iv been extremely active on my local society site. anyway on to the question. i am in the process of acumilating stuff a bit of a tank change once i move. i plan on switching my 20 xtall tank (20x10x22high) for a 25 long tank. i plan on running...
  15. goin_all_out

    Blackout Time Again

    well i tell you, have patience. reduce feeding reduce light period, change water 50% 2x weekly. and it will EVENTUALLY go away. the black out just helps, but the rest of this list will over a few weeks work. EDIT: i did the black out, then a tear down on march 5th, only now am i seeing a...
  16. goin_all_out

    Blackout Time Again

    i have a simple solution for BGA as I've been doing it in my own tank. you can physically remove it, then do a 50% water change twice a week. this in combination with some fast growing plants will, eventually, rid you of the BGA. its an up hill battle, on a steep incline none the less, but you...
  17. goin_all_out

    Java Moss Help

    I've heard of a few ways to tie it down. one way is simply using simple sewing thread and tying it to wood or a rock of some sort. hair nets have been used too. best bet would be check the sticky at the top of this section on the stuff.
  18. goin_all_out

    Favorite Crenicichla?

    ya one of my favs! anyone know where this bad boy was caught?
  19. goin_all_out

    Thoughts On Bolivian Ram And A.cacatuoides In One Tank

    i was wondering what everyones thoughts on keeping a pair of Bolivian rams, and a pair of a. cactuoides in a 25 us gal long. i was thinking heavily planted, with line of site territories planned out with proper planting and driftwood etc. I'm only looking for thoughts. i don't care to hear a...
  20. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    and what is taht supposed to mean? lol
  21. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    my mom always taught me to try something first before i can say i dont like some thing :P and besides, to each thier own my friend, to each thier own.
  22. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    DO IT! lol i love that movie, one of my favorites!
  23. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    lol ever seen super troopers? if not there is something wrong there lol
  24. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    canadian tuxcedo :P :sly:
  25. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    haha same here cept its only my chin, the rest is dark brown like my head!
  26. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    GEEEZ i go to work for the day and this thread gets outta hand! lol i must say taht there are some beautiful betta fans all here ;) no need to name names as im quite shocked with everyone!
  27. goin_all_out

    Is This A Boy Or Girl

    lol somewhat creepy!
  28. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    jaiden im currently in guelph, might be in hamilton come september as im headed off to college (again)
  29. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    oh and jaded how is your betta business comming along?! been so long since iv been in here seeing as im so concentrated on my planted tank. get your export licence yet? :hey:
  30. goin_all_out

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    i do so recal doing this already lol but here i am anyway
  31. goin_all_out

    Is This A Boy Or Girl

    im pretty sure thats a male crowntail plakat. looks like it has a beard when it flares but hard to say without a head on shot.
  32. goin_all_out

    I Love My Betta

    funniest thing i have ever seen happened just now i put my hand in geaorges tank to rearange a small baby java fern in his tank and he started playing under my hand. and sat under it for a couple minutes, then when i pulled my hand out he kinda stared at me as if to say "what the heck why did u...
  33. goin_all_out


    how often should i use nutrafin npk ferts? i bought it the other day and im just not sure when to use it. once a week? after a water change? thanks, Dan
  34. goin_all_out

    Nutrafin Quick Question

    well my concern was that they werent dislovling. because the bubbles were almost the same size when they left the counter. but good news is that bubbles are now tiny compared to what they were when they go in the ladder.
  35. goin_all_out

    Nutrafin Quick Question

    k i wasnt sure, im getting anice bubble rate, havent counted but looks good to me!
  36. goin_all_out

    Nutrafin Quick Question

    once the bubbles reach the top are they supposed to be gone or float out of the ladder to the surface? mine are floating to the surface.
  37. goin_all_out

    Some Plakat Pics

    cracker beauties as always. love the red dragon in pic 1 love them almost as much as black hmpks! lol
  38. goin_all_out

    Some Plakat Pics

    sry double post
  39. goin_all_out

    Rimless Aquarium Ideas?

    not a fan of that tank, they have on in the lfs near me and i think its a little too "art deco" for my liking. but to each thier own i always say.
  40. goin_all_out

    Got A Used Nutrafin Co2 System

    i got my self a used nutrafin system but all it came with is the canister and the later. is regualr air line ok to use or should i be using CO2 spacific air lines?