Planted 30l, Low Tech


Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Portadown/Norn Iron
30L 5.7 UK gal 7 US Gal
1 11 watt light
Substrate Redsea Flora base and play sand
Black rock background
Ph is 7.3

My bog wood

water in and substrate

This is it now only planted with 3 plants will be adding more. Just didn't want to buy loads of plants then kill them so am starting off small

Cryptocoryne undulata "broadleafs"
anubias barteri v. nana, ambulia
Java moss ( I found this very messy and falling apart so I just quickly tied it to the bog-wood and popped it into the tank. Will trim and tie it better once it hopley its starts growing on the bog-wood. will tidy the tank up also when this happens) Now am not sure i Have done the moss thing the right way lol



Updated picture
Vert nice! I love it so far, the white sand looks really nice. I have eco-complete as a substrate in my planted 1o gallon, its not pretty but the plants love it.
I would love to see pics once its finished.

Also the moss is fine :) It is slow growing though, unfortunatly, so it may take a while for it to latch on to the log enugh for you to remove the string. But it is a lovely plant to have in the tank once its pirked up!

Lookin Good! :good:

I have to decide on a few more plants. Getting good ones is almost impossible to get in N.Ireland.. Have to use mail-order

Will have a betta and some Minni corys in there :)
Hmm, your java moss looks a bit ropey - I think you'd be better off getting some more if you can, as it's quite slow to get off the ground, and if it's in a bad way, it may never get going
Hmm, your java moss looks a bit ropey - I think you'd be better off getting some more if you can, as it's quite slow to get off the ground, and if it's in a bad way, it may never get going
Yer I almost riped it out tbh. But am moving in 4 weeks to the country to a house that's right beside my family home and got room for a 5ft tank woot and converted sheds with flowing water and power^^ Idea for some big tanks but am not be geting them for some years yet. The moss cost me 5 quid off eBay I see how it does in that time:( Good news tho the undulata seems to be picking up. A Lot better looking than when it arrived
spread your j.moss out more to quite a thin layer, otherwise it will smother itself. Nice tank and i love the substrate.
Right My tank got a bit messed up in the house move but now am semi settled and did a little bit of maintenance as well as adding some rocks (I think slate did the vinegar test)

Hopefully over the next few weeks I can get more plants in there and a betta :)

My Cryptocoryne undulata "broadleafs really is coming on strong and showing good growth for a slow growing plant
I got some vaillis and swaped and changed a bit

Which do you guys prefer

The new (water is really cloudy kicked up a lot of sand

The old
i like the new better! :D

if you get pygmy chain swords, and grow a carpet in the front left, it would look really good! :D
Aye will be getting more plants. Was always planning for carpet area. Plants are hard to get in Norn Iron. mostly off ebay or dear ones from websites.

It will be slow but will get their in the end :) Hopefully things will start to thicken out over the next few weeks
I like the new layout better. Of course, you need more plants. If you can find some hardy weeds to throw in there until things stabilize, then grow what you want, that is always an option.

Light colour play-sand is not very good for nano.

I have only 3 ottos ans look how much mess they make in one day


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