Blackout Time Again


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2007
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not only have i got bba,ive just noticed ive also got the dreaded bga yet again.well this is definately going to be the last time ill do the blackout,all my water stats are good,i dose ei,pressurised co2,drop checker nice and green,lights only on for 8hours
changed lighting purchased reflectors,you name it ive done it,yet algae just wont keep away,plants grow very this is the last time.anymore outbreaks after this blackout,then plants will be going in the bin,and my co2 kit will be getting sold
sorry to hear that mr t.

no algae is good especialy bga. i had the same 6/7 weeks ago. bga was taking over my substrate, and i know george farmer doesnt recomend this any more but i used maracyn
which i ordered from the states. (you simply cant get it in england)

i broke a tablet up into 4, placed it in the substrate, within 3 days the bga had gone. no bad effects on my good bacteria (i dont think) it really works. it has NOT come back.
i have a simple solution for BGA as I've been doing it in my own tank. you can physically remove it, then do a 50% water change twice a week. this in combination with some fast growing plants will, eventually, rid you of the BGA. its an up hill battle, on a steep incline none the less, but you can beat this stuff. its taken me more then a month to even see a decline in the BGA but for me at least this method does work. also might be easier and safer then using something that kills bacteria. i would be concerned about the beneficial bacteria in this case.
2 days and it was gone. no damage to filter what so ever. i think i nipt in the bud before it got too out of control. so the amount af maracyn in the water. was minimal. 1 tablet!
I'm having the same problems as you Mr-T. :angry: and have tried the same solutions. Now, I just live with it.
Of course, if we wanted to grow the stuff, it would be damn near impossible. Such is life.
well i tell you, have patience. reduce feeding reduce light period, change water 50% 2x weekly. and it will EVENTUALLY go away. the black out just helps, but the rest of this list will over a few weeks work.

EDIT: i did the black out, then a tear down on march 5th, only now am i seeing a reduction in the stuff. not gone yet, but there is a reduction.

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