Llj's 20g Journal

The red leaves on the right are the Wendtii? HOw did you get them like that? The leaves look rounder than normal, and the red is beautifully intense!

Thanks, Biulu. I'm not positive it's red wendtii, infact, I think it is actually bronze wendtii. At least that is what it said on the pot. Honestly, I don't do much of anything, maybe rootabs once every 4 months. I hope the C. willisii end up as vigorous, it'll make a lovely cover and highlight the cave created by the wood.

The red leaves on the right are the Wendtii? HOw did you get them like that? The leaves look rounder than normal, and the red is beautifully intense!

Thanks, Biulu. I'm not positive it's red wendtii, infact, I think it is actually bronze wendtii. At least that is what it said on the pot. Honestly, I don't do much of anything, maybe rootabs once every 4 months. I hope the C. willisii end up as vigorous, it'll make a lovely cover and highlight the cave created by the wood.


I love the contrast it makes with the other plants of the tank. ANd probably a lot easier to maintain and more suitable for a small tank than the tiger lotus!
I love the contrast it makes with the other plants of the tank. ANd probably a lot easier to maintain and more suitable for a small tank than the tiger lotus!

Again, thanks, Biulu. The crypts were protesting the antibiotics (melting a bit), so I had to stop dosing. Sometimes, they get twitchy when you dose meds. That is partly why I dose everything half-strength. It is a rather red color. Quite surprsing for Bronze wendtii, which is what it is. Found the label, Yesterday. Crypts always get that intense color with me, however, it is probably the dimmer light.

Ordered some fishies last night. I found a new site, Frank's Aquariums, that had a lot of micro rasboras and nano fish. Shipping was much more reasonable. I ordered some more Ember tetras to complete the school, some Boraras briggittii, and some Boraras uropthalmoides. They are so tiny and uber cute! A store in my area is going to get galaxy rasboras at $2.98 a pop! :kana: So that species will complete the nano-fish tank, along with some otos. All dwarfs and micros in this one.

The plan is to breed some of the new species I have, so in the next few months, look out for a new planted tank thread designed for breeding. Let us unite form and function. :)

You Americans are so lucky to be able to order fish and plants from everywhere! I always have to go and find new species myself in Mexico city, and just hope they have what I am looking for. Mostly not.....

I am far from wealthy, though, and it was only recently that I was able to indulge in the online ordering of livestock and plants. I personally prefer supporting a local shop. I was able to do so in IL and in Washington state (where I lived when I started this hobby), but in Miami, FL, the pickings are pretty slim, and I have to go online to get the fish I want. I was extremely lucky to find the dwarf catfish. It is ironic, considering FL is a major aquatic center, with huge bases in Tampa and Orlando. There, the hobby is quite different, and equal prominence is given to new trends in Freshwater. Miami, has not reached that point, yet. There is supposedly a society, but they do not meet, nor do they except new members, so I'm inclined to find my own society as they did with UKAPS.

Are we going to get pics of the new fishies? :drool:

Yes, my dear, but you must wait. Frank from Frank's Aquariums says he will mail them to me next week. I did get new otos, though. Found those as Petsmart as well. So now, 6 otos, 6 ember tetras.

woah, your bronze wendtii are well nice! :hyper:

Thank you. I honestly do not know why they look the way they do. Most likely dumb luck. Perhaps they like the harder, more mineral-rich water. They got a little "tired" when I dosed the medication for the tetras. I'm loathe to do it for the otos, but I should, for a days, at 1/2 strength.

Fish are on their way. Should arrive tomorrow.

Tank has so far:

6 ember tetras
6 otos (purchased 4 more last Thursday, want 2 more). They are schooling, quite fun to watch. This is the oto tank, something in this tank makes them thrive.

Tank will have as of tomorrow (we hope):

12 ember tetras
12 Boraras brigittae
12 Boraras uropthalmoides
6 otos

I am super excited, and will post pictures when they arrive and are settled. I'll be working when they get there, so big sister will be accepting the package. Afterwards, I just have to wait on the galaxy rasboras to complete the tank.

Aponogeton has a new flower stalk. This is nice. Crypts are beginning to perk up since I stopped dosing the meds. I'll do a water change tonight in anticipation of the delivery.

Good times,

llj :good:
wicked, i love otos :D

my crypts are starting to perk up too, maybe it's their time of the year lol
those fish are going to look stunning in this tank, i can't wait to see pictures!

Have to wait another day. :-( There is some severe weather where my vendor is located. Better to wait than to have storm-tossed little fishies.

Fish arrived. Had 3 DOAs and part of my order wasn't there, but what a difference in shipping costs and service! The shipping was less than a 1/3 of the cost of the previous site, for the same type of shipping. I emailed the vendor with pictures of the dead fish and the mistake in the order, and within an hour, he responded with a promise to send replacements and the order correction on Monday. If the fish arrive next Tuesday without a hitch, this is going to be very good.

They have acclimated and are in the 20g. It took forever, and the transport bags were so small that I had to transfer them to a bucket for netting. A sparrow rasbora slipped through the standard net, so I had to use my brine shrimp net (usually for fry) to scoop up these little ones.

As a precaution, I'm dosing some meds at 1/2 strength and will perform small daily water changes for a spell. I will be on pins and needles for a week or so, to make sure these do well. These aren't cheap fish, and I want them to do well.

I'll post pictures as soon as I am able.

and ill be waiting for said pics, congrats.

ahh waiting game sucks, lets play hungrey hungrey hippos.

I remember that game, I liked it. We used to fight for the stupid marbles that the hippos ate and my sister always wanted to be the pink hippo. I was stuck with some dumb color. Older sisters are so bossy.

They are alive today, and no one is stuck in the filter. the Boraras uropthalmoides are a little reclusive, but since there are only four, I can understand why. When the numbers reach 12, I'm sure they'll be like I'm used to seeing them. The more I look at them, the more I'm sure that Boraras uropthalmoides was sold to me as Boraras brigittae when I was living in IL. I hope they do well, they were a charming little fish.


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