Substrate Change


Fish Crazy
May 16, 2005
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ontario, canada
hey all, been a while since i posted here as iv been extremely active on my local society site. anyway on to the question.

i am in the process of acumilating stuff a bit of a tank change once i move. i plan on switching my 20 xtall tank (20x10x22high) for a 25 long tank. i plan on running either a mix of black florite sand and eco complete or all eco. what im wondering is it says that for a new tank dump it streight in, and for an established tank rinse it. the only things im keeping from my old tank is the filter (fluval 104) and my heater (jager 100watt) and plants. my question is should i be rinsing the eco or keep the stuff it comes in?
hey all, been a while since i posted here as iv been extremely active on my local society site. anyway on to the question.

i am in the process of acumilating stuff a bit of a tank change once i move. i plan on switching my 20 xtall tank (20x10x22high) for a 25 long tank. i plan on running either a mix of black florite sand and eco complete or all eco. what im wondering is it says that for a new tank dump it streight in, and for an established tank rinse it. the only things im keeping from my old tank is the filter (fluval 104) and my heater (jager 100watt) and plants. my question is should i be rinsing the eco or keep the stuff it comes in?

whats the water volume in the new tank? is the only dimension that changes the length?

if your moving your filter across, and the water volumes/bioload is the same, then you do essentially have a cycled tank, so if it were me I'd follow the established tank instructions, but I'm sure someone with experience of the eco complete will be along soon :)
sorry, its gonna be a 25 long, the rasboras i have might be goin in exchange for a pair of apistogramma cacatioudes. other then that all that remains of the original equimpment is the filter and heater.
I didn't rinse my eco-complete. Four bags gave the water a slightly 'milky' tinge, but the filter sorted that out. It was an established tank.
I would just dump it straight in. I'm not really certain whey they would say to rinse it for an estblished tank. Seems that rinsing would remove all the plant nutrients that it is supposed to contain.

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