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  1. sunpirate2u

    Gonna Take On Breeding

    i do have quite alot of tank dividers, maybe i should wait a while for a bigger tank.......... *sigh* :sad:
  2. sunpirate2u

    Gonna Take On Breeding

    Well i did tons :shout: of research on betta breeding. i have most of the supplies other than, a glass chimney, sponge filter, and a large fry tank. here are my questions: Instead of a chimney could i use a glass vase or my guppy trap? My parents say that i have the maximum amount of tanks...
  3. sunpirate2u

    Bettas Vs Kitten

    thoose r beatiful tanks BTW
  4. sunpirate2u

    Votes Needed

    I VOTED lol :lol: :nod:
  5. sunpirate2u

    Help! Girls Fighting! Scared!

    thx netty, it's nice to hear from u :nod: . Well, they seemed to calm down a bit. I had to put one of the females (or male) in a breeding trap because it was getting bad. I get some pics on soon. thx for noticing my birthday btw :).
  6. sunpirate2u

    Help! Girls Fighting! Scared!

    ok, i just got three females. i came home and put the other two that i already had in together. HELP! They're fighting! Is this the pecking order or death??? HELP! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: this is bad!
  7. sunpirate2u

    Thanks Netty! (new Fish!)

    thanks :good: lol
  8. sunpirate2u

    Thanks Netty! (new Fish!)

    she is a beautiful little girl. here of some names: moonshine moon misty sparkle shimmer
  9. sunpirate2u

    Opal Is Dying :'(

    yeah, i feel really bad :-( i reamember when i lost my first boy :-(
  10. sunpirate2u

    How Much Longer!?!?!?

    New update: I finally moved her over to the 5 gallon birthing/fry tank. I AM SOOOO worried that she's stressed and might abord WAAAAA! I hope she's ok. I turned of the filter and the light. I also covered the tank with a few cloths, well im just waiting and hoping for the best :)
  11. sunpirate2u

    What Do You Do With All Of Your Guppies?

    give the fry ur petco or petsmart they should take them. u could also give them to freinds with oscars lol, or sell them on,
  12. sunpirate2u

    Looking For Guppy Pics Again!

    Here are some of mine. it would be an honor to have one of my pics on ur website : this one's a bit blurry hope this helps :good:
  13. sunpirate2u

    How Much Longer!?!?!?

    weeee yay!!! this is great! update: i haven't put her in yet ( i really should) but the gravid spot has became much darker than yesterday, now it's a really dark brown but not solid black. Her tummy seemed to have changed shape too (only from the side). She still continues to eat though and...
  14. sunpirate2u

    Is She Pregnant?

  15. sunpirate2u

    How Much Longer!?!?!?

    LOL YYESS! Should I put her in now?? Does anyone else agree?
  16. sunpirate2u

    Please Help! Medical Emergency !

    hmmm......... i could be from old age or stress. How long have u had him? Do u have a testing kit? if so what is ur readings?
  17. sunpirate2u

    How Much Longer!?!?!?

    This week she had made some progress and she's showing the signs too. How much longer??? She is lightning fast and my dumb old camera is retarded :grr: . The camera doesn't really catch the gravid spot very well. Birds - eye veiw Hanging by the filters a lot gravid spot The...
  18. sunpirate2u

    Really Really Dumb Question

    thx alot guys!
  19. sunpirate2u

    Really Really Dumb Question

    I was wondering if I could add my tree danios form my little 5 gallon to my 10 gallon tank. Could a female betta, female guppy, and three danios get along? I will take risks. this is probably the dumbest question ever. :blush: :blush: :blush:
  20. sunpirate2u

    Bloated Betta!

    ill try that right now :good: thanks u guys so far
  21. sunpirate2u

    Bloated Betta!

    no i dont think so. but something is makeing her bloated. i did think of that but my is still preggie.
  22. sunpirate2u

    Bloated Betta!

    HELP!!!! I have a female betta in a ten gallon. It's stocked with one female guppy and the betta. I woke up this morning to check on my guppy because she's pregnant, then I noticed that my betta was EXTRAMLY BLOATED! :shout: :shout: :crazy: :sick: Symptoms: The bloated area is as deep...
  23. sunpirate2u

    Petsmart + Petco Bettas

    i totally agree :good:
  24. sunpirate2u

    Anabantoids And Smoking?

    maybe someone should try it and see what happens. I could be a small discovery. not that i would know, im only 13
  25. sunpirate2u

    Petsmart + Petco Bettas

    When did anyone get the idea that bettas like small areas? There's a lot a myths about bettas like that -_- , " I heard bettas like small tanks" (vases,cups, little fish bowls, ect) " Bettas eat each other" " there's a difference between female and male betta's? How can u tell?" " the...
  26. sunpirate2u

    My Currently Nameless Betta!

    How about Tide (as in a water tide :rolleyes: )? Or Crash, for his ripped fins :blink: ? Im not good when it comes to names lol :blush:
  27. sunpirate2u

    First Platy

    because some illnesses come on really slow so it would really help if u kept her in for one-two weeks
  28. sunpirate2u

    First Platy

    it depends id have to see a pic :good:
  29. sunpirate2u

    Arched Back

    i haven't had any probs for a long time. and i only have three fish in that tank, and 9 fish total in my house. i will be watching her closely but today she seems to be better.
  30. sunpirate2u

    Arched Back

    UPDATE: she's still acting the same today, not any worse or better.
  31. sunpirate2u

    Pregnant Or Fat?

    a gravid spot is almost impossible to find on a red platy like this. But ur right she does look rather fat. I cant tell. I would need clearer pics of the sides and above.
  32. sunpirate2u

    Looking For A Good Fish To Feed Insects To

    don't worry, u've have too give them time to figure out there's food up there :rolleyes: . Usually a new fish wont eat for 2-3 days until they get used to the tank. Fish keeping is really tough thing to master. In time, things will come around. Try reading on the internet, it can be really...
  33. sunpirate2u

    Guppy Breeding

    if u want to breed u'd have to get a fry tank too, 5 gallons and up.
  34. sunpirate2u

    Hi Fin Platy Preggers?

    hmmm.... she does look fat, but i'd have to see a side pic.
  35. sunpirate2u

    Arched Back

    i feel ur pian, i just have really bad luck with guppys. :(
  36. sunpirate2u

    Arched Back

    no, she was older when I first got her. I don't have a test kit so i dont know. I also forgot to mention that she's breathing really fast too. I checked her just now when I came home and she's still at the bottom of the breeder. Should I just let her out?
  37. sunpirate2u

    Arched Back

    thx for the help :good:
  38. sunpirate2u

    I'm Losing Hope

    congrats! ur lucky........ i never got any of my guppies to have fry :(
  39. sunpirate2u

    I Think Jerry's Dying...

    thats how my red VT died. He was old,old,old. It was so sad. *HUGS* :flowers: put him a glass vase for his last home and check on him every onece in a while.
  40. sunpirate2u

    Weird And Wacky Pets

    when i was three i had a pet balloon :lol: :P