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  1. S

    Too Much Algae?

    Very impressed woody, tank is looking brill.... lol now you can see it :hooray: . i would say you need a bit more LR yet but as ozzie said have a particular shape in mind/ or size and just buy bits at a time, my wife loves the things that appear on the rocks but complains when i pay £30 for a...
  2. S

    Hitchhiker Crab

    Thanks seffie, the little #28### wont touch the prawn or bacon, so im going to redo the same for the time being( next couple of days), spoke to my LFS who are very good and they gave me some dried algae sheets(free) as i said he seems to be munching on algae on rocks only for the time being...
  3. S

    Thinking Of Buying My First Marine Tank

    Agreed, his prices are very good, although with my other pets he has made lots and lots of £ from me so, maybe an alterior motive?(keep me buying from him?) he sells me LR at £10 per kilo reduced from £13, but all the same you may find your LFS may have a deal price, i got my full setup inc...
  4. S


    haha :rofl: well played that man
  5. S

    Hitchhiker Crab

    any suggestions on how to lure a teddy bear/ gorilla crab out of hiding? i have what looks like a teddy bear crab small point pincers and hairy, im going to try build some sort of trap but will any particular foods draw him out? i have seen him as little as 3 times in a month, nothing has gone...
  6. S


    thanks, they are red legged hermits. I beleive but maybe wrong there are two types, the scarlet and ....whatever the other was called lol. mine sit on the LR facing (luckily) towards the front of the tank, they to are only active at night, thank god for my superbright blue leds just for tht...
  7. S

    Powerhead Position And Flow.

    Agreed with seffie, plus from my research and i must stress research and not experience, clowns often find an area with low currents, in fact the advice sheet i read stated they will often sit in corners behind pump return flow and powerheads etc, it did also say there as loopy as a bag of nuts...
  8. S


    you my freind are a legend, and saved me a great deal of embarrassment im sure lol, do the turbos get large? i have 3 scarlet hermits too, quite small at the min, not sure how big they will get, any ideas where i can get shells, my lfs's dont do them and i could only manage to find polished ones...
  9. S


    Thats a shame! I know where you can get some really nice anails. Theyre just like snails too! Lol Mexican turbo snails are good CUC. Have some in my tank! Thanks for that i didnt feel at all stupid...DIDNT!! lol :rolleyes: so would you recomend snails or Anails? lol i was looking for...
  10. S

    Thinking Of Buying My First Marine Tank

    check with your LFS and see what deals they could offer you, mine offered my dad almost the identical tank ,(new) with LR and 2 clown fish and water for £100, see whats around, dont make a hasty buy because its there, research see whats on offer and give yourself time to decide what you would...
  11. S


    Im new to the site and wondered what you guys think snails? do you have preferences on snails and what snails are good/Bad for what jobs? i currently have 5 ceriths, and i am looking to expand my cuc, just researching snails but i would like to hear your guys preferences and experiences...
  12. S

    Too Much Algae?

    Agreed looking forward to seeing the impact this little guy has had on your tank, thanks seffie for some strange reason i never thought of it the other way too lol, i shall be less tempted to dip in future, although having said that ive only done it the once so far as like i said i was advise on...
  13. S

    Too Much Algae?

    mwa right, that'd be a first would you mind just teling the wife that for me... otherwise she'll never beleive me lol :rofl: oh and another tip i was given was to use fresh unsalted water in the clean bucket, this acts almost like a dip and allows any bad critters, disease's drop off or die...
  14. S

    Too Much Algae?

    hey woody,just a bginner here but i was advised to even with cured rock, as scrubbing gently with a toothbrush will remove alot of unwanted debris and dead material, one big tip id give though....NEVER, NEVER use the wifes tooth brush and return it afterwards, thats grounds for divorce...
  15. S

    Too Much Algae?

    Thanks ozzie, will get on that shortly, just reasearching snails atm lol , i was going to add my setup stats etc, etc to my post but i thought once it was half a page long people would get bored and think .... ''pfft forget it.'' lol. where do i setup the diary? ive literally just joined so im...
  16. S

    Too Much Algae?

    once this sea hare has done its job, would you guys recomend any specific cuc? i currently have a 200lt setup and am slwly building up my cuc, i have 5 cerith snails which have taken care of the startings of hair algae as well as 3 scarlt herimts and a sand sifting star fish(which i know do...