Hitchhiker Crab


Fish Herder
Jun 19, 2010
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He looks like that - although can't find what that is. Just typed in yellow hairy crab. But that picture looks identical to it. The worst part, I have two and cant catch them. I've set up traps and the bait goes, nothing gets caught! Dont know what is eating it and escaping, it's been near on upright, very small hole so my shrimp can't steal it!

Anyway does anyone have any ideas what it might be. I just want to know if I can leave it..

It's only about the size of a little fingers nail, and it has wide claws like a porcelain crab.

Cheers in advance! L
a gorilla crab and there nasty things if it is a gorilla crab then ide get him out if i could
i thought this was a gorilla crab
i have one of these i have about six
different crabs in my micro reef
I read hairy are scary, red eyes be weary! I would put it in the sump or take it to the LFS. :good:
I read hairy are scary, red eyes be weary! I would put it in the sump or take it to the LFS. :good:

in dont have a sump only
a tiny tank http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/341044-the-biffster-micro-tank/page__p__2834519__fromsearch__1&#entry2834519
I've looked up gorilla crabs and they don't really look like this one, and he didn't have red eyes. I've only seen him every now and then.
Yep that's the one. Yeh I think it's a Teddy Bear Crab.. Do I need to get this out?

any suggestions on how to lure a teddy bear/ gorilla crab out of hiding? i have what looks like a teddy bear crab small point pincers and hairy, im going to try build some sort of trap but will any particular foods draw him out? i have seen him as little as 3 times in a month, nothing has gone missing as yet, but then he is about the size of a 20ence peice atm, ive pulled my tank abut(as much as i dare) to get him out but he wont budge, any ideas ppl?
Glass or bottle trap with bacon or a prawn in it, tip is slightly, crab will jump in but not be able to climb out as sides to slippy - obviously container needs to be longer than the claws of the crab or they just hook themselves out :whistle: not that its ever happened to me :blush:

Seffie x
Glass or bottle trap with bacon or a prawn in it, tip is slightly, crab will jump in but not be able to climb out as sides to slippy - obviously container needs to be longer than the claws of the crab or they just hook themselves out :whistle: not that its ever happened to me :blush:

Seffie x

Thanks seffie, the little #28### wont touch the prawn or bacon, so im going to redo the same for the time being( next couple of days), spoke to my LFS who are very good and they gave me some dried algae sheets(free) as i said he seems to be munching on algae on rocks only for the time being.... although ive had a small hermit and go missing and i have n empty cerith snail shell near one of his hides... mmm i wonder who's the culprit lol :crazy:

This crab is lucky i have a sump for him to go in once ive caught him otherwise we'd be having words about my missing critters!!!!! :rolleyes: All that said, when he does appear he's really cool to watch.
If he is an algae eater no need to get rid of the little chap :good: algae eaters usually have paddle like claws

Seffie x
If he is an algae eater no need to get rid of the little chap :good: algae eaters usually have paddle like claws

Seffie x

Thats the problem his claws seem to be long and pointy, he is brown and hairy/ prickly, im not sure if the tips of his claws are white, they ar too to see clearly small atm, he's approx sixe of a 20p at most, i was following the rule, if its hairy its scary, hence my hastiness to restrict him to the sump, ive browsed images for teddy bear crabs and gorilla crabs, he looks similar not nearly as hairy (his almost looks like thin algae) and they seem to have large claws, his in comparisson to his body are sharp and pointy? any ideas on a species, its difficult as he onyl appears during night and only at the entrance of his hide, as soon as i appear camera and torch in hand he disappears :lol: so i cant get a pic for ID, when (if) i trap him ill post a pic.

Thats the problem his claws seem to be long and pointy, he is brown and hairy/ prickly, im not sure if the tips of his claws are white, they ar too to see clearly small atm, he's approx sixe of a 20p at most, i was following the rule, if its hairy its scary, hence my hastiness to restrict him to the sump, ive browsed images for teddy bear crabs and gorilla crabs, he looks similar not nearly as hairy (his almost looks like thin algae) and they seem to have large claws, his in comparisson to his body are sharp and pointy? any ideas on a species, its difficult as he onyl appears during night and only at the entrance of his hide, as soon as i appear camera and torch in hand he disappears :lol: so i cant get a pic for ID, when (if) i trap him ill post a pic.
no idea what he is but he is cute

however from experience crabs can cause havoc. I have a crab which has eaten fish, he has red eyes and is sooo quick when going for food!!

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