Thinking Of Buying My First Marine Tank


Nov 18, 2010
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if it goes for £100 or lower

i`ll buy ro (5 gal £3) and ready mixed saltwater (5 gal £7) from my local

how much live rock would i need, how much and what kind of sand and what would you stock it with?
If you dont mind me asking what is the reason you want to start marines? Also what is the diciding factor, ie space or money :rolleyes:

The reason for asking is if your into fish chances are you are just throwing money away because by the time you get it you will want a bigger one.

Also in my opinion these tank are not good for beginners. The lack of volume means if anything goes wrong you cut down dramatically the amount of time you have to remedy it. Hence the reason you see so many of these for sale, people buy them because the are cheap and have just watched finding nemo, keep it for a few weeks and wipe everything out.

Anyway, you would probably need about 6 - 8kg of live rock,(£10-£13 per kg) unless you find someone on the forum selling some and aragonite sand £10 or there abouts.

Stock wise, softies corals, zoas, mushies maybe a leather to start. As for fish your looking at 2 or 3 small fish and your clean up crew (hermites/snails etc)

Just remember the tank will need cycled and you shouldnt put anything in for 4-6 weeks or so, unless you want heaps of problems later on.

Personally, i would go bigger and skip on this one though, yes it costs more to set up but I think you will have less issues if you do it right and have more enjoyment from what you can do and what you can stock in the tank.

These are just my personal views, others may suggest different though :)
I again find myself agreeing with Ozzie today :p

If you want a pair of clowns and we all do dont we, then dont get anything smaller than a 125 litre :good:

We can help you :good:

There are many good bargains out there, look for the juwel 125/180 or the boyu 550 or the like

Seffie x
i want marines because i think they are far more beautiful and interesting to watch, the deciding factor on tank is space and money plus ive always liked the look of a nano tank.I do appreciate the advice to get a bigger tank and ive read quite a few people recommend this but money and space available wont allow me to do this

my local does fiji live rock for 11.99 per kg, i`ll get from there unless i find someone who lives near me doing it cheaper

ive read about how to cycle marine tanks and a small guide on keeping nano tanks

im not too fussed about geting clowns im open to other options if anyone can suggest? i just want something fairly hardy and colourful
check with your LFS and see what deals they could offer you, mine offered my dad almost the identical tank ,(new) with LR and 2 clown fish and water for £100, see whats around, dont make a hasty buy because its there, research see whats on offer and give yourself time to decide what you would like, im not suggesting all LFS would give you such a good price but look around you may be surprised.
Ok, lets look at the space you have? How big?

Seffie x

its going in my bedroom where i already have a 95 litre tropical tank trust me theres not enough room for anything bigger lol

check with your LFS and see what deals they could offer you, mine offered my dad almost the identical tank ,(new) with LR and 2 clown fish and water for £100, see whats around, dont make a hasty buy because its there, research see whats on offer and give yourself time to decide what you would like, im not suggesting all LFS would give you such a good price but look around you may be surprised.

WOW thats an insane price for a brand new tank with extras
Agreed, his prices are very good, although with my other pets he has made lots and lots of £ from me so, maybe an alterior motive?(keep me buying from him?) he sells me LR at £10 per kilo reduced from £13, but all the same you may find your LFS may have a deal price, i got my full setup inc... well everything, heaters sump, skimmer, return pump, new metal halides, special blend, sand, tank, cabinet and some sand material for corals etc for the sump(cost £45), sump light, and the water all delivered for £250. my advice would be just to look around a little see what there is about, talk to your LFS see what they will do ... Haggle most LFS will drop their price especially if pivately owned.
i asked my lfs if he had any spare mature filter media once, he looked at me like i`d asked for cocaine :blink:

i think ebay is my cheapest option
i asked my lfs if he had any spare mature filter media once, he looked at me like i`d asked for cocaine :blink:

:lol: iv'e seen that look before!

Have you looked at the boyu 550, its nearly a cube and sits happily in a corner but would give you 126 litres of water or the juwel lido, also a cube?
i asked my lfs if he had any spare mature filter media once, he looked at me like i`d asked for cocaine :blink:

:lol: iv'e seen that look before!

Have you looked at the boyu 550, its nearly a cube and sits happily in a corner but would give you 126 litres of water or the juwel lido, also a cube?

im watching a juwel lido on ebay atm, only saw one boyu 550 made the guy a reasonable offer and he was really rude (he had it listed as only 54l too lol totally mis calculated the volume)

ah just googled the address for the lido its over 100 miles away so thats no good
yeah ive had a look on there too ozzie but found nothing
There are other places too, I have bought in the past from

Anyway they are worth keeping any eye out on for other bits and pieces you might be after in the future.
To be honest mate the buyitnow on the one on Ebay isn't that bad of a deal, always nice to get it cheaper though ;)

Good luck
thanks for the help

i`ll keep looking but its hard im so impatient when i want something really bad

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