Too Much Algae?

Thanks ozzie, will get on that shortly, just reasearching snails atm lol , i was going to add my setup stats etc, etc to my post but i thought once it was half a page long people would get bored and think .... ''pfft forget it.'' lol. where do i setup the diary? ive literally just joined so im browsing the site and researching all at once.
Thanks ozzie, will get on that shortly, just reasearching snails atm lol , i was going to add my setup stats etc, etc to my post but i thought once it was half a page long people would get bored and think .... ''pfft forget it.'' lol. where do i setup the diary? ive literally just joined so im browsing the site and researching all at once.

Here bud ;)
Aye to many hares are lost to starvation but they also are very short lived creatures, strangely attractive though :)

Sand sifting wise any of the sifting gobies are great, I have a chalk goby, he makes a hell of a mess but I don't mind.
Algae wise as long as your system is running well snails and hermits will keep the algae at bay, I have a few jazzy things like abalones and urchins in my tank but I overfeed with liquid food (non-photo corals) and they help eat the algae that eats up all my nutrients :)
No worries. Hares are like little lawn mowers only they will go where they want to and rarely where you want them to go. I used to have a tank with the rocks full of hair algae and I introduced a sea hare, for the first few days he lived on the glass :grr:

Anyway, even though you are planning on putting him in I would also do what Seffie said and scrub the rocks now, it wont take too much time.

Also have you a diary going as its hard to suggest a prevention such as a phos reactor if we dont know what equipment your running. :)

Will have to start a journel. I currently have rowaphos in a media bag as well as lr rubble in a seperate bag. But they were only added a couple of days ago.
Would it be ok to physically scrub the lr? would i loose too much goodness if i do.
hey woody,just a bginner here but i was advised to even with cured rock, as scrubbing gently with a toothbrush will remove alot of unwanted debris and dead material, one big tip id give though....NEVER, NEVER use the wifes tooth brush and return it afterwards, thats grounds for divorce apparently. alot of the beauty of live rock are the cracks and creavices that all the goodness hides in so as long as you dont have it out of water too long should be fine, just dont let the rock dry out. imay be wrong though so don quote me lol im sure theres better advice available from the experts here :good:

oh and thanks for the link ozzie
If you have a seahare now leave the algae alone, it won't be there long.
Spadge is pretty much bang on woody. ;)

One word of advice (I never take lol) is wear rubber gloves (marrigolds) you might have something in your rocks that might pack a sting.

Like spadge says, dont let the rocks dry, when i ever do this is do it in two buckets, One to scrub and one to rinse. Tooth brush is the best bit of kit too;)

Just edited as saw sorgans post, its upto you, you can leave some algae on a rock for it. Depends how quick you want to see results and obviously how quick you can return the hare, obviously you dont want it starving.

Best of luck :)
hey woody,just a bginner here but i was advised to even with cured rock, as scrubbing gently with a toothbrush will remove alot of unwanted debris and dead material, one big tip id give though....NEVER, NEVER use the wifes tooth brush and return it afterwards, thats grounds for divorce apparently. alot of the beauty of live rock are the cracks and creavices that all the goodness hides in so as long as you dont have it out of water too long should be fine, just dont let the rock dry out. imay be wrong though so don quote me lol im sure theres better advice available from the experts here :good:

oh and thanks for the link ozzie

Divorce!!!!!!!...............Now where is her toothbrush! :lol:
mwa right, that'd be a first would you mind just teling the wife that for me... otherwise she'll never beleive me lol :rofl:

oh and another tip i was given was to use fresh unsalted water in the clean bucket, this acts almost like a dip and allows any bad critters, disease's drop off or die, this would be dipped for approx 10 mins or so, just like you would use a fresh water dip for diseased fish.
Spadge is pretty much bang on woody. ;)

One word of advice (I never take lol) is wear rubber gloves (marrigolds) you might have something in your rocks that might pack a sting.

Like spadge says, dont let the rocks dry, when i ever do this is do it in two buckets, One to scrub and one to rinse. Tooth brush is the best bit of kit too;)

Just edited as saw sorgans post, its upto you, you can leave some algae on a rock for it. Depends how quick you want to see results and obviously how quick you can return the hare, obviously you dont want it starving.

Best of luck :)

Cheers mate! Slimy #14### is doin a great job on the algae but I'm gonna help him out tomorrow and just take a couple of the top rocks off and give em a scrub. as soon as the algae is almost next to nothing, I'll take him straight back and then let my cuc do the rest. I must admit tho, i'll be sorry to see him leave, he's a fascinating creature to watch, and its something different in the tank. My little boy loves him to bits! :lol:
Before you all go scrubing your rock and dipping in ro water please be aware that you will also lose a lot of the good stuff as well.

Woody, you really dont need to do either, just pull off the hair algae, but now you have the hare, just leave well alone for a week or so :good:

SEffie x
Cheers guys. Are you referrin to tap water or plain ro water.
Was gonna just take a bit of tank water out along with the rock and scrub it in the tank water bucket
Look forward to seeing your results. :good:

Agreed looking forward to seeing the impact this little guy has had on your tank, thanks seffie for some strange reason i never thought of it the other way too lol, i shall be less tempted to dip in future, although having said that ive only done it the once so far as like i said i was advise on different site to do this, wasnt sure about the credentils, so tested one peice everything seemed fine, coraline grew brilliantely although im sure this was the peice of LR that houed my now elusive gorilla crab. :/

Cheers guys. Are you referrin to tap water or plain ro water.
Was gonna just take a bit of tank water out along with the rock and scrub it in the tank water bucket

no to the tap water, i used plain unsalted RO from my LFS, im sure the chlorine in tap water would kill almost well...EVERYTHING. plus im not sure if this would leave traces on the rock too.
Look forward to seeing your results. :good:

Agreed looking forward to seeing the impact this little guy has had on your tank, thanks seffie for some strange reason i never thought of it the other way too lol, i shall be less tempted to dip in future, although having said that ive only done it the once so far as like i said i was advise on different site to do this, wasnt sure about the credentils, so tested one peice everything seemed fine, coraline grew brilliantely although im sure this was the peice of LR that houed my now elusive gorilla crab. :/

Cheers guys. Are you referrin to tap water or plain ro water.
Was gonna just take a bit of tank water out along with the rock and scrub it in the tank water bucket

no to the tap water, i used plain unsalted RO from my LFS, im sure the chlorine in tap water would kill almost well...EVERYTHING. plus im not sure if this would leave traces on the rock too.

Thats what I thought mate! thats why I had to ask!

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