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  1. 100_1497.jpg


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    My Three Bettas!

    :o The first one could be a twin brother to my Milo!!! I must say nice looking guys!!
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    Aged Water

    :blink: I'm curious. What's everyone's opinion on aging water? Do you just use tap water, treat it and put the fish in or do you age it? If you age it, how long? Thanks
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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :D They're both nice guys. Wiz is much more aggressive than Big Guy who is really not sure if he should flare at his neighbor or not. I'm beginning to like the shorter finned guys more and more. I have one plakat and he's really growing on me.
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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :) Here's the other one. Similar body.
  6. big_guy.jpg


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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :wub: Your guess is as good as mine. He came as an extra and was classified as a butterfly. He's very dark - more black than dark blue. He's a big guy and I almost think he's one generation off a plakat. I've got two like that - one a blue marble. Shorter fins but huge body. Here's a side...
  8. wiz_2.jpg


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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :angry: Wiz missed the competition but he's gearing up for the next one!!!
  10. wiz_1.jpg


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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :rolleyes: He sure loves his bubblenest!!
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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :o He seems to be a bit of a camera hog!!
  13. steely_man_1.jpg


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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :o Oh goodness!! This is Steely Man - a Petco rescue. He's a new addition so he's a bit beat up....
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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :rolleyes: Another clean tank - Milo
  17. milo_s_nest.jpg


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    Bubble Nesting Contest

    :rolleyes: I just cleaned the bowl....
  19. steel_s_nest.jpg


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    Darting against objects

    :unsure: Just got a couple guys off of Aquabid. Their trip was a bit stressing for them as it went longer than expected. I notice now that one guy has his fins clamped and darts about scratching every now and then. I've taken a flash light and checked him out but can't see a thing. He's in a...
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    Should I be concerned

    -_- I have two different ones that do that. I think they are both half plakat as their finage is fairly short. Longer than a plakat but not nearly as long or full as a delta or hm. They just seem to rest that way. Weird looking and a bit freaky.
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    Bad day

    -_- I've been feeding black worms for months. I just don't know if they are good because of the problems I've had with dropsy and now this. I do feed a variety of foods including bites plus a day of fasting. The water and equipment is not shared. It's just identical - from the same source...
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    Bad day

    :( Just went to feed my guys. My pet veil tail was sitting on the bottom which is extremely rare for him. When he came up for food, I noticed a large tumor like growth on his head. This was not there this morning. Two tanks down my always hungry green guy didn't even move when I went to feed...
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    Betta Blown fin

    :unsure: I've got a red male veil that does that quite often. He's got huge finnage and when he gets too active manages to mess up the very end of his tail which is longer than his body length. It grows back quite fast.
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    under tank reptile heater

    :) I use the mini bows - 2.5 gallon tanks for the bettas and put a small 6 inch submerged 25 watt heater in each of them. No problems so far. I do check them carefully several times each day. There are 6 tanks operating this way.
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    -_- I'm careful that way. I keep separate nets, and etc for each tank. The companion fish looks fine. It's got to be either how I feed the blackworms or somehow when I change the water
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    :sad: I'm losing another one to dropsey. This is my oldest and one of my favorites. I am beginning to wonder if feeding them black worms directly from the fridge - after rinsing them in cold water - might be part of the problem. The only thing in common with this one and the other two is...
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    Tail biter

    Here's his first attempt
  29. tail_biter_nest.jpg


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    Tail biter

    B) My tail biter rescue has been a busy little man lately. He's grown up to that stage in life where he's busy trying to impress a mate. Does anyone know if the tail biting trait will be passed on?
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    No clue at all

    :( You might want to check with your water company to see if they might have added something new to the water or if they have a bacterial problem of some sort.
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    I'm loosing my second Betta

    :( Wouldn't surprise me if it were generic. I'm losing my second crowntail to dropsey. Both were bought at the same time from the same place. The other 8 non crowntail fish are fine. They are all treated the same, similar tanks with the same food and water. Just bought from different places...
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    Stress Coat

    :unsure: I'm using stress coat for the first time to dechlorinate my water. Getting the proper dosage for a one gallon container is not easy. It works out to 5ml to 10 gallons so I figured about 1/2 a ml for one gallon. However, it's hard to measure and I keep ending up with just about 1ml to...
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    Blown Tail?

    :blink: What's a blown tail? How is that different from fin and tail rot or is it the same?
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    Brown spot - fin and tail rot - fast moving

    :( Looks like fin and tail rot. I came home just now and found half of my betta's tail missing. It was fine when I left. I had put him in Bettamax and salt - this is 2 1/2 days into the treatment. Any ideas? I do not see any discoloration on the fins.. they are just shredded. Thanks...
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    Brown spot - fin and tail rot - fast moving

    -_- There appears to be a brown spot - almost like an ich spot - at the front of the dorsal fin. I just noticed it and put in some clean water and Bettamax. It's almost like a round small brown/goldish colored dot. It's not thread like but round with an appearance of that being a shell...
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    Petco Rescue

    :o Thankfully the fins look clean. I checked on that first thing which started me thinking he might be a tail biter. I caught him trying this morning and tapped on the tank to stop him. I think the first thing I need to do with him is place him in another tank - I'm moving in a few days so...
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    Petco Rescue

    ;) The dark strip on the bottom fin in the rear is actually part of his tail. It looks like he has a fairly large spread when the tail's there. Perhaps he might have some delta in him.
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    Petco Rescue

    :blink: Here's a better tail shot