Petco Rescue


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
:crazy: Okay, I shouldn't have looked but I did. Hundreds of tiny cups with bettas laying in them. Some really nice ones too. Here was this little tiny guy with a terrible case of tail rot....... or what....

Set up a mini bow for him with bettamax and a bit of salt. What should I be watching for? He swims okay, is totally enjoying his new home - exploring everywhere. He's done a couple of U turns which makes me wonder if he just might be a tail biter. The tail looks fairly clean but then it might be in the
repair stage.

Any ideas?
iv rescuded a walmart betta myself, feals good dont it. id just whatch him and keep on good food. water changes everyday with the same old meds ( salt and a tiny bit of melafix ) should do the trick. iv noticed in the past that when bettas are given a nice spaceius home after liveing in a cup, they tend to recover withing 48 hours. not compleately but it alredy sounds like hes doing great. what kind of betta is he? can we c pics? :D
:-( Sorry for the picture quality. My camera just doesn't want to take Betta shots!!


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;) The dark strip on the bottom fin in the rear is actually part of his tail. It looks like he has a fairly large spread when the tail's there. Perhaps he might have some delta in him.
Since the fins are gone mostly on the caudal, it looks like he chewed his tail. he could be getting finrot because of this. The best way to tell if finrot is starting, is the edge of the affected area will be a darker color than the rest.
:eek: Thankfully the fins look clean. I checked on that first thing which started me thinking he might be a tail biter. I caught him trying this morning and tapped on the tank to stop him. I think the first thing I need to do with him is place him in another tank - I'm moving in a few days so I'll set up one then - with a white or very greyish gravel. If I can find something the same color as his fin, it might help.

Anyone with any other ideas?
nashnutny said:
:crazy: Okay, I shouldn't have looked but I did.
I hear ya. That's how it happens and that's the same feeling ya get every time "sheeesh why'd I even come over here?!"

Your white or grey gravel idea is a good one. Other than that I have no idea how you can make him stop. But he could be biting it because it's bothering him. Maybe he'll stop after you get him better.
be careful not to put a filter he can get stuck to in the tank... just a warning... i had one i got from petsmart... and he decided "im going to annoy michelle and stick myself tomy filter and rip my tail and possibly get tail rot" GGRRRRRRR!!!

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