If you're a bird, I'm a bird
I have lost 4 fish in four days to what appears to be two different things. The first two that died, layed on the bottom for two days heaving and then they die. No other symptoms, all their color is intact, fins look great, just heaving
The second set has no symptoms whatsoever, they just die. This happened with one the other day, and then today as well. Today I was outside taking pictures of a row of fish, where my opaque plakat Alkatraz is. I took pictures of him as well, flaring and showing off. I left for maybe 30 minutes tops to go order a birthday cake and I come back and he is dead The only thing that is different is his gills turned black and it looks like they bled out. I took a picture of it and I'll add it in a second. It's on my other computer which is being retarded.
Any ideas? I just don't know what to do because I can't treat for something I can't see
The second set has no symptoms whatsoever, they just die. This happened with one the other day, and then today as well. Today I was outside taking pictures of a row of fish, where my opaque plakat Alkatraz is. I took pictures of him as well, flaring and showing off. I left for maybe 30 minutes tops to go order a birthday cake and I come back and he is dead The only thing that is different is his gills turned black and it looks like they bled out. I took a picture of it and I'll add it in a second. It's on my other computer which is being retarded.
Any ideas? I just don't know what to do because I can't treat for something I can't see