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  1. D

    Should I Euthanize?

    Blimey upset a few here i see. The water stats I have are in the first post nothing has been added to the tank for ages except for these fish 5 weeks ago also theres no chance of getting a decent pic the tank is 30gal. Tank inhabitants 6 diamonds, 2 neons and 1 hatchett (currently attemting to...
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    Meet Parotocinclus Jumbo (Lda025)

    on the list thanks :)
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    Meet Parotocinclus Jumbo (Lda025)

    cool how big do they grow?
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    Should I Euthanize?

    Theres no flicking or shimmyimg behaviour and I dont think its a gill fluke as its on the lateral line of the body near the gill cover. I just fed them and they all fed hungrily. Im more against euthanizing but Im trying to just keep the tank running ready for setting up my new tank ( no budget...
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    Should I Euthanize?

    Water stats p.h. 7.8, ammonia 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 40ppm temp 27 c 8hrs light Hi guys Ive got a brand new problem with one of my fish help plz. I have 6 diamond tetras 5 of which i bought 5 weeks ago at first i thought they were getting finrot because I had a long battle with it...
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    Water Changes/maintenance.

    Me my dog and Bob Marley just had a good cleaning session on my problamatic 30 gal tank everythings coverd in a lite dusting of crap but ill keep plugging away with the twice weekly changes till my tank is sorted. Agree with the times you use the water monday to friday only also after all the...
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    Do I Need To Add More Fertilizer?

    thanks noah :)
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    I Want Crabs!

    ba carefull with crabs I had 2 red claw crabs and they were possibly what started my finrot problems as they were nipping my bottom feeders also no matter how much i fed them they still proceeded to chew the base of my plants and within a month all i had left were my java fern and another plant...
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    Do I Need To Add More Fertilizer?

    Im using t5s and thanks SO19 appreciate the link :)
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    Do I Need To Add More Fertilizer?

    Thanks it helps to know what questions to ask to get the right answers i suppose. So Ill answer the above and see what you people think. 1. My lighting is 1x 18" 15w Arcadia original tropical lamp and 1x 18" Arcadia 15w fresh water lamp thest are on 11hrs a day. 2. I have no co2 system. 3...
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    Do I Need To Add More Fertilizer?

    More help plz :)
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    Do I Need To Add More Fertilizer?

    Should I do a full dose after each change or 50% like the water changes? also does dechlorinator affect the fertilizer? thats why im doing it the day after at the moment as im not sure. I dont know what there telling me as this is a new problem. I only have a few Java fern and another plant im...
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    Do I Need To Add More Fertilizer?

    Could someone plz answer me a couple of questions as my plants are really struggling. 1. At the moment Im doing twice weekley 50% water changes and wanted to know if I should be upping my ferts due to this. 2. How long after a water change should I add the ferts? 3. Am I Using enough...
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    Pvc Gutter Pipe

    quiet sure you will know but just get ya pipe and glue (using aquarium silicone)some of your existing substrate to the pipe and it will look much better in the tank.
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    Restocking Disaster

    i cant see the decor being a problem as i throughly clean everything with hot water then dry out in the sun for a few days before putting in my tank. All other decor like caves I make myself using aquarium grade silicone and I allways make sure there are no sharp edges on anything.
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    thanks Steve im still waiting for my mate to come round and lift the tank off tho so atill dont know if i can adjust the feet. Lookin for a job tommorrow now :)
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    Restocking Disaster

    Well today i got my waters tested again at the lfs and my waters are spot on. I checked them earlier and 4 of them are definently improving with slight fin regrowth hope I was just being overparanoid and my fishys continue to improve. Thanks for all help and info allways appreciated guys and gals
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    Don't Know What To Do

    I once had an apple snail then i introduced a b/n catfish and he decided to play football with it. Especially when the lights were off you could hear him bouncing it off the tank glass this went on for about 3 months. I used to chase him off with the end off my algae scraper untill all of a...
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    thanks reverend just waiting to get someone to give me a hand to lift the tank off the stand and see if the feet are adjustable first. The tank is one of those floating bottoms will it be ok to put styrofoam or polystyrene (will this be ok also?) under this.
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    Restocking Disaster

    Thanks Colleen i hope so to. The diamond and the neons are my only surviving fish from when i set up well over a year ago so i really hope i dont lose them this time aswell.
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    cool ill check the if the feet are adjustable when i empty it if not packers it is. Thanks guys :)
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    Thanks tribal that was what i was thinking but wasnt sure if its safe with tha cabinet being on feet. The tanks a 4ft fluval so im a bit worried about the weight leaning to one side when its full
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    that makes most sense but how???
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    not really got anywhere else to put it so i was hoping for suggestions for the best way to raise it I havent a clue what to do. The cabinet also has feet on so would i put something directly under the tank or under the cabinet???
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    thats my prob im a bit ocd and its driving me nuts allready just glad i was only testing the tank for leaks and i wasnt actually setting up with gravel plants ect.
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    id say theres about an inch or two differnce between the the water on the left side compared to the right
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    Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

    So i just started filling my new tank and after halfway ive noticed the waters quite unlevel. Whats the best way to level it out without having to take up the carpet and work on the floor itself.
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    Restocking Disaster

    so fish look pretty much the same but there behaviour is fine the diamonds feed greedily and swimming together playing in the current. Still done nothing but water changes so far im gunna give it a week and see if they improve.
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    Restocking Disaster

    ok thanks will try and source some suitable water to compare.
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    Restocking Disaster

    it stays at 0.25 from the tap and never goes up or down once in the tank and i change water at least every seven days no less. Would yo know if bottled mineral water should read at 0ppm???
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    Sick Neons?

    im a novice but sounds like dropsy or theres somthing called neon tetra disease also (google).
  32. D

    Api Master Test Kit ...

    Its not just the red of the Nitrate reading that concerns me its also the colour of the ammonia chart as I read on a thread that the colour chart in the master test kit is different to the one you get when you buy Api ammonia test solution seperate. It apparently concerns the colour for the 0ppm...
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    Restocking Disaster

    if my test kit is correct and I am at 0.25ppm ammonia and my filters are mature then why are they not eating the excess ammonia??? Im going to get the mrs to show me how to use one of them digitil camera thingys and put some pics up later to give you a better idea of the tank.
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    Restocking Disaster

    Prime ordeal do you also use the prime dechlorinator in your set up(s)
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    Restocking Disaster

    Thanks nobody of the goat prime on order and thanks prime ordeal for taking the time to look i couldnt really find anything helpfull. I am unsure if my test kit is giving a correct reading for ammonia after what i read on here about there being two different test chart colurs for the ammonia...
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    Restocking Disaster

    yeah using an api liquid kit and give the bottle a good bash and do plenty of arm acheing shaking. I have added no salt to the tank at all ever. The dechlorinator is - Nutrafin water conditioner, Aquaplus, the label reads Improves tap water quality by removing chlorine and chloramine...
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    Restocking Disaster

    last water change was 30% yesterday and will be doing another later my reading is allways 0.25ppm on amonia but after reading a subject about the api master kit colour charts on here i t may be that im getting a false reading and could well be at 0ppm ammonia i wont be able to test this out for...
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    Api Master Test Kit ...

    but then after using one myself i wont be buying another yes they are ok but also a pain in the backside to use and people have trouble reading the chart as some of the colours are nearly identical on the chart. Once ive used this test kit up ill be spending that bit extra for a seachem kit as...