Tank Unlevel Whats The Best Remedy

thanks reverend just waiting to get someone to give me a hand to lift the tank off the stand and see if the feet are adjustable first.

The tank is one of those floating bottoms will it be ok to put styrofoam or polystyrene (will this be ok also?) under this.
You dont need polystyrene under a floating bottom tank, nor will this level the tank as the polystyrene will compress equally so the tank would still be out of level.
My fluval corner tank had adjustable feet, so mabe yous has. BUt other wise a little ply wood under each feet, should do the job.
Just run a spirit level over the tank, side to side, front to back, and vertically up the sides anf front. Just to double cheack its spot on.
Acutally took a lot of fidling with the legs on my tank to get it perfect.

thanks Steve im still waiting for my mate to come round and lift the tank off tho so atill dont know if i can adjust the feet.

Lookin for a job tommorrow now :)
The most out of level that I have ever tolerated was maybe 1/2 inch in 6 feet of length. Any more than that means it is time to figure out how to best shim the stand. As long as the top of the stand is flat, the stand can be adjusted simply by using one or another shim under each leg. Since I build my own stands, I usually just cut down the parts that are too long and leave the rest as is. If you have a commercially produced stand, that is probably not an option thus you will be shimming individual legs. I would remove the tank from the stand and get the stand as level as possible with no wobble to it at all. That will mean adjusting every leg so that none leave a gap to the floor. At that point you can probably fill the tank and never see any problems unless the floor itself moves under the tank's weight. In that case, you should evaluate the floor's ability to carry the tank's weight.

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