Sick Neons?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 4, 2012
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Hi guys,

I recently added 8 neon tetras to my tank and noticed one of them a couple of days later had a really rounded belly. Having no experience with them before I just thought it must be a female one (or even pregnant - but I've heard this is unlikely with neons).

However when cleaning the tank and doing a water change I was worried I'd sucked one up as there were only 7 visible.

Having looked and looked I couldn't find the 8th one all and once I'd done the water change I also noticed one of the others was swimming high up and didn't look well at all. It also had a swollen belly and even though they are tiny so it's hard to tell, it looked like some of the scales were sticking out a bit.

After moving around a few ornaments an hour later I unfortunately found the body of the 8th and by that time the sick looking one had also passed away :sad:

I've left them as 6 for the time being, but today have now noticed another of them seems to have a really rounded belly compared to the others.

As it stands he is swimming fine and darting around with the other 5, but my worry is he or she is sick?

Has anyone any experience with this?

Ammonia and nitrites are 0 and have been tested every day (just completed fishless cycle) and nitrate is about 20.

Any help appreciated!

Other fish in tank are 2 dwarf gouramis, 5 sterbai corys and a plec...
im a novice but sounds like dropsy or theres somthing called neon tetra disease also (google).
I've just lost another :sad: and this wasn't even a sick looking one! What on earth is going on with these fish???
What about the temp and pH of your water?

If those are also fine then the only reason could be some bigger problem like dropsy as suggested...
Temp is 25-26 degrees..... Ph should be late 6's but I'll test that now...
Okay, well I suspect dropsy. There isn't really an effective cure apart from putting the affected fish in quarantine
and possibly adding epsom salts, but fortunately it is generally not very contagious. It is however caused by poor water conditions which may have been the case where you got your neons from.

The best you can do is ensure your water is as perfect of possible and hope for the best.
I've just tested the other parameters (did this morning too)

Ammonia and nitrite 0
Nitrate around 10
Ph 6.6

Water seems fine and is clear, well oxygenated with an air stone and the filter on Venturi setting too. I'm not going to add any further neons until this settles completely - and if it eventually wipes them out I may choose a different fish altogether!

Really hope things clear up soon. I've already done one 25% water change this week, will do another at weekend.
Seems like you're doing all you can for the time being. Good luck :good:
From what I've been reading this seems like dropsy or neon tetra disease.

Looking at the 5 remaining fish, I'm sure a few of them are slightly lumpy underneath, this may be paranoia but I'm not seeing things here!

Does anyone have any advice - can this spread to any other fish in my tank?
Can someone help out here??

Can this spread to my other fish???
How are the ones with suspected dropsy doing?

And how are the others at the moment?

Dropsy isn't generally contagious if it is that, as it's usually a collection of different conditions, carry on keeping the water in perfect condition! :D
The 5 remaining ones are alive for the time being and swimming around and eating.

They dont, however, seem to be 'schooling' like when there was 8 of them and there seems to be a couple incidents where ones chasing another.

I've just looked at them and a couple of them have the bloated bellys, while the others seem to have 'lumpy' ones. One of them definitely has a patch underneath that looks white.

Im just concerned this could potentially go to any of the other fish.

All the rest *touch wood* currently seem fine.
It may be just me, but I have found cardinal tetras much more hardy than neons, and I think they look much better too!

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