Lynda B
Fish Addict
The subject matter is chlorine..... that's why I put it where it is..... but thanks for all the interest in where the thread should be.
I agree with LyndaB! In said post, I said that I am an eczema sufferer and swimming in a chlorinated pool actually turns my skin into open sores - chlorine = bad news for anybody, fish or humani feel a new campaign coming on
are you sure that you aren't just allergic to chlorine? i know a couple of people with that allergy and they break out into awful sores at the slightest exposure.
More and more pool owners are converting to saltwater swimming pools. They are cheaper to maintain and much safer. I have dont lots of swimming in chlorinated pools, saltwater pools, and bacquacil (sp) pools. Nothing is better than saltwater.
I'm a big baby and won't open my eyes under water anyway. Just thinking about that is making my eyes water -lol- I only looked at one site but it said the amount of salt that is [supposed to be] kept in a saltwater pool is the same as in the human body so it would probably be no different than putting a saline solution in your eyes.Would the salt hurt your eyes when you open them underwater? Seems like it would be more expensive also, and let's face it, we can't spend thousands of dollars just because some people don't like chlorine.