Yf Can Taste The Salt..

Can be either , blennies perch high in the rock wall in holes and several gobies dig holes in the sand to live in. Check late at night with a red light mate...may find crab or someone else at your mushie, starfish most probably taking advantage of an already open wound. Your mushie may survive this as well...I have hacked some off very roughly from my tank and about 90% survive and reattach as frags in the nano.
Ps..coralline being grazed is beneficial to your rock as well...if it gets heavily coated by it it will lose a lot of it's ability to filter as it will be less porous.

Tank looking really well now, like your rockwork, will make a good structure to build your corals up on.
Ok people, question time again. I shined my red light on the mushroom last night and it was covered in brittle stars and little bugs (copepeds etc.) so im guessing there eating it so it must be dead now as they did not go near the one next to it. Also - I have sort of pink and white substance covering the rock, and its like when you get goosebumps, it has loads of little bumps all over it, is this coraline growing?

Took a couple of photos to explain what I mean:

The mushroom is it dead? And also you can see the stuff covering the rocks anove the mushroom and on the right hand side, any ideas?

A yellow sponge, that has now got dark redish color on it starting to cover it:

Any ideas on these people?

'corraline' algae comes in many different colours, from purple and red through to a green colour.

the mushroom may not be dead, just sulking.
i assume all your stats are good?
Yeah, stats are fine. And all other corals are fine. Does that look like coraline on the rock?

yep defo corraline!

it may start to go white for a bit whilst your system beds in probably.
Its important to keep phosphates at 0 and nitrates low to get good growth of corraline. You'll tend to get it growing soonest where there is high flow.
Often on teh edge of your overflow and on your powerheads.
Whoah, this is the thickest I have it in the whole tank. Anyway, goto shoot - Time to get rid of the Aiptasia!

- Also, does this mean my water must be good, because of the coraline algea growth?

I just used the Joes Juice, and the bit they give you to make it more accurate squirt fell off, so quite abit of joes juice fell into te tank, so now theres loads of white bits all over the tank from the susbtance, will the water be fine?

I removed the starfish that had been on my mushroom, I found him again on my mushroom! And I got a decent photo of it, finally I got a decent photo of somthing (well kinda its decent to me lol)

Can anyone ID it:



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