Yf Can Taste The Salt..

Sump isint essential.
I tell you what adam im not sure if the tank is big enough, but save up and get a Red Sea Max.
They have like a kind of sump in the back where u can put heater etc, and they look awsome!
I have the same things in the back with my Orca but I think 120ltrs is to small for a GSP, isint it?
If not you could look at the Orca Tl550.

Sump isint essential.
I tell you what adam im not sure if the tank is big enough, but save up and get a Red Sea Max.
They have like a kind of sump in the back where u can put heater etc, and they look awsome!
I have the same things in the back with my Orca but I think 120ltrs is to small for a GSP, isint it?
If not you could look at the Orca Tl550.


nope, its perfect for a gsp actually, anyways.. what do you think my house is fort knoks? i cant really go bigger becuase of the weight.

cheers, i will research :)
Ok, well if its perfect, get the Orca tl550 its awsome!


it does look pretty flash with all those specs listed! but thats even less room(lenght ways) for the gsp, so 80cm is pretty much the limit, although one foolish site recommended a 60cm- isnt the internet a cruel mistress!
Ok people just thought I would update you, everything is going good.
However im not going to purchase the clowns on friday, nor any other fish.
As I think it would be wise to get the essentails first, reef putty and so on.
Then when I start getting livestock such as fish and corals im fully prepared.
And hopefully, by leaving it another two weeks or so - it should make sure for certain that the tank is cycled.

hey buddy!

sounds good; must be hard to resist getting a fish :lol: better safe than sorry.

Bagu ;)
You went off msn and left me millan! Lol.
Seffie, how did you go about doing w/c changes on the orca?
Did you just tip the new water in or syphon it some how?

Seffie, sorry to be a pain, could you give me a list of the corals you know are in the tank.
Also, I have now got some white corals and when there heads open (they are like them green ones seffie, I forgot what you called them), they look like a duster (the heads) and ideas? I dont want them to be bad for the tank etc.

Also seffie - Will the zoas polyps grow, as there small atm or do they stay that size?

Seffie, sorry to be a pain, could you give me a list of the corals you know are in the tank.

I can't remember what the zoas are called :rolleyes:
Green palys
Pink mushroom, don't know the name
Several sponges, white, yellow

Also, I have now got some white corals and when there heads open (they are like them green ones seffie, I forgot what you called them), they look like a duster (the heads) and ideas?

There are white and pink feather duster in there, theyare good filter feeders :lol:

I dont want them to be bad for the tank etc.

Also seffie - Will the zoas polyps grow, as there small atm or do they stay that size? I don't know, not much help am i :lol:


Seffie x

Haha, atleast I know there not bad!
Seffie, the three zoas you have on them circle things, what are they?
As I would like to create one to put some more palys on there that I keep finding all over the sandbed alone.

Haha, atleast I know there not bad!
Seffie, the three zoas you have on them circle things, what are they?
As I would like to create one to put some more palys on there that I keep finding all over the sandbed alone.


They are frag disks but you could do it with one of those small pieces of rock you have - get some putty or reef glue and stick them on :good:

Seffie x

I wouldn't buy reef putty - i didn't like it, i found reef glue much better :good: think reef glue is just super glue, but it does have a name, am sure someone will come along and remember it :good:

Seffie x


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