Yf Can Taste The Salt..

Ok, How about this for a "possible stocking":

Catalina Goby
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
Blue Chromis
Bicolor Pseudochromis
And either x2 clown fish, or 1 Bangaii Cardinal.

Catalina goby is a temperate water fish and will not do well at tropical temps.

Have a look for another goby, some people flashed a very nice looking glowing goby up in someones journal, that was very nice.
Ah, just read that.

Goby (Not decided which as of yet)
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
Blue Chromis
Bicolor Pseudochromis
And either x2 clown fish, or 1 Bangaii Cardinal.

Would either the clown fish or bangaii be fine?
And I would add a goby to the list once I decided one.
How does that list sound.

Not sure on clowns mixing with the Chromis in such a small tank.

It does work in larger tanks but people tend to have a shoal of them.

Bangaii would be fine, I like mine, he is actually a character, starting to become nosy and miscevious too.

Now the clowns, they are like the children of the tank, always up to mischief and retreating to the mushrooms when they are scared or have wound another fish up. I love them.
Ok, I think I will take a chromis off the list, and get a pair of clowns.
Im sorry everyone I dont like them, but my girlfriend does.
And my little cousins, and my big sister, and my mum, and my grandma need I carry the list on?

So possible stocking list:

Goby (Not decided which as of yet)
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
Bicolor Pseudochromis
x2 clown fish
Bangaii Cardinal.

What do people think to that?

Yeah, im not sure about the colors yet.
I wouldnt mind one of each, but would love them to pair and swim around together, so im guessing its harder that way.
What about the stocking list though, sound ok?

I like the list :good:

Black and white clowns are stunning.

Just have a think though about the colours in the tank. If you for the Bangaii, you already have a black and white fish.

Just a thought and depends what you want from the tank. It mattered to Andrew as he wanted to see lots of different colours.
Sorry for not replying before, am having the week from hell!

Anyways, your tank looks gorgeous! The rock scape is really, really nice, plenty of room for lots of corals both on the rocks & on the sand bed, love it, kinda wish I could fast forward 6mths so I can see how it grows.

Your fish list looks good, I'd definately take a trip out to a good marine shop in the next couple of weeks & spend lots of time looking at all the fish, see what speaks to you most.

For a beginner fish, I am totally smitten with my little green clown goby, he was tiny & shy when we first got him, but now he is a lot bigger & a total muppet lol, he feeds from my hand, plays peek a bo with the hermits, scoots around the tank like a loony & keeps sneaking up behind the clown to freak him out, I just love the little fella :wub:
Kari the goby sounds cool.
Im sure your week carnt be going that bad..can it?

Kari the goby sounds cool.
Im sure your week carnt be going that bad..can it?


oh hun, fraid so :sad: but at least I has my little tank to watch & my fishies to keep me sane & the journals on here to make me jealous :drool:
Very true.
Hopefully, it can only get better.
What you got planned next for your nano?

Very true.
Hopefully, it can only get better.
What you got planned next for your nano?


at the moment i'm not sure, I had lots of grand plans for corals, but am now unemployed so it will be one frag per month for a while, so depends on what lfs has in stock.

I dont think I will add any more fish for a while, nemo & elmo are very happy & playful together, so watching the tank evolve naturally for now.

The week can only get better lol & I'm about to open the wine once baby is in bed which will help!

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