Sorry for not replying before, am having the week from hell!
Anyways, your tank looks gorgeous! The rock scape is really, really nice, plenty of room for lots of corals both on the rocks & on the sand bed, love it, kinda wish I could fast forward 6mths so I can see how it grows.
Your fish list looks good, I'd definately take a trip out to a good marine shop in the next couple of weeks & spend lots of time looking at all the fish, see what speaks to you most.
For a beginner fish, I am totally smitten with my little green clown goby, he was tiny & shy when we first got him, but now he is a lot bigger & a total muppet lol, he feeds from my hand, plays peek a bo with the hermits, scoots around the tank like a loony & keeps sneaking up behind the clown to freak him out, I just love the little fella