
Matt, Sainsburys sell it but don't bother with Aldi on your way home from work, they don't. It comes in sachets, Sainsburys only sell their own make. Next to the flour in the section that sells things like baking powder and glace cherries. I have a breadmaker, so I know exactly what shops in the area sell what brand of yeast :D

Oh, and tesco in Eaglescliffe and Barwick sell it (there own make and hovis) as do asda in Portrack Lane (allinsons).

Bingo! Essjay too the rescue. Thank you :)

I need to go food shopping tomorrow anyway, And not at work till 11pm. So im sure there will be some pictures on here soon :)

Cant wait too see these little bubbles appearing :haha:

Will get it done tomorrow as soon as.

Wont have a fancy diffuser on it though as i dont have one yet. But will check out LFS's on the way around and see if i can pick up a nano one and give it ago :)
Matt, here is my Co2.


I have diffused the co2 into the tank by drilling a hole into the filter outflow pipe and placed the tubing into it. See the video here.

Looking good L_plates :) Why do you use two bottles? What the advantage? Really excited for this now :) will it work ok with an airstone on the end?

And your tank looks awesome mate :) lots of little bubbles. I hope i get this :D
I use 2 bottles for 2 reasons.

1. Better bubble count.
2. It allows you to stagger the days meaning if you set the bottles up one day after each other when one needs to be changed it leaves you with one active bottle.

I tried an airstone with was ok but with me going through the filter outflow if cut down the tank circulation to near nothing so i removed it.

ahhh good logic :) i like the idea of two bottles then :)

Might have to setup a two bottle now :) Actually excited haha :) such a geek :) hopefully it will make a difference to my plants, and bring them too life.
Made a massive difference in my smaller tank. The plants are a lot brighter and healthier.

Its great fun playing with Co2 even if it does eat away your evenings tweaking the setup :D
haha i know, I can see myself changing and adapting it all the time. This may sound daft... but Do i just leave the airstone in ALL the time... or i there any worry about it creating too much C02 and killing fish off? Or do i take it out after so many hours a day? or so many days a week?

SO i guess the question is. Do i let it pump C02 in 24/7 or something else?
Well diffusing CO2 with an air stone will have virtually 0 effect what so ever on your plants due to the low contact time and the low surface area of the bubbles, not allowing enough time for the CO2 to dissolve, you ideally need a diffuser or a ladder.
with DIY CO2 it is generally safe to pump it in 24/7 as levels will build up over night whilst the plants are not photosynthesising, but I would say on smaller tanks just be wary, the first sign of any lethargic fish and I'd remove the CO2.
It is unlikely that you'll be able to achieve levels high enough to kill fish with DIY CO2.
I've read that if you see your fish near the surface a lot more than normal then cut down on Co2. Its all new to me also at the moment, never bothered with plants before but finding it quite an interesting learning curve at the moment.
I would also advocate the use of a Drop checker to ensure your tank is getting C02 throughout the whole tank. Again, if parts of the tank aren't getting enough C02, you may see algae form.

I have also noticed that people haven't mentioned the whole what was triangle (now square IMO). There needs to be just more going into the tank than C02, there needs to be a balance of nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, excellent distribution, and trace elements. You're going to be putting more on the plant, so the plant is going to need its fill of nitrogen and phosphate goodness. Once you're heading down the road of C02, your fish waste won't be enough. The plants will use it's stores for about 6 weeks and then you may notice deficiencies.
Oops forgot about the other elements, i have been using Flourish Tabs and Flourish liquid for after water changes.

So far seems to be ok.
Flourish is OK as it does contain a small amount of N and P, very small though. Just keep your eye out for any deficiencies, but i would advocate using something like TPN+ if your using CO2 and make sure you keep up with the water changes to get rid of the nasty organic build ups.

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