
Well setup my DIY c02 and its currently doing nothing, but its only been running a couple of hours. I hope too see some bubbles when i get back from work tonight, Otherwise ill be searcing for a leak.

Currently only running 1bottle. But going to setup another bottle tomorrow. And a Bubble Counter aswell :) Ill get some snaps up as soon as, But its pretty basic at the moment,

Just a bottle going too the tank through a 1way valve :)

Will it be enough for me to pump in C02 and add King British Plant Food for the rest? Or how can i give the plants everything they need? There arent any fish in the planted tank yet. Will be in about 8 days time :)
Changed my setup a little with the Co2. I needed a powerhead so i decided to feed the co2 directly into the powerhead and it works great. Video below.

Co2 Going through an SEIO M250 Powerhead
Well i think i Od'd on the yeast. I went too work last night, And came back to milky water. The C02 was pumping in, But so was Gunk and yeast! :sick: This morning only had time to do a 40% water change and its alot clearer but i can imagine theres still alot of yeast in there, Took the C02 off for now, Going to setup a Bubble Counter on the C02 kit so that if it goes up through the airline atleast it wont go into the tank.

Rookie mistake.

Note too self. Dont skip saftey checks. As this is what will happen!


Will this cause any long lasting issues on my tank? I have the fish ready too go in next weekend so i really hope not :(

Im going too do a 90% water change tommorow too try and get as much out as possible. And have added some carbon too my filter...
I would want a couple of water changes as big as I could make them following a yeast accident, but maybe that's just me.

Really glad to see Ianho found the thread and linked in the SuperColey article for you guys. As ianho mentions, carbon is just one nutrient (one that does indeed require important attention) among other nutrients. In fact it just one among 17 that plants use and the relative amounts and importance have been quite the studied topic among both gardeners and planted tank folks. The "macronutrients" (NPK) Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium are used in much higher amounts than the "micronutrients" like Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, and others tailing on out to the tiny traces.

In the UK (and I guess with difficulty in the USA) there is the nice solution of a Tropica product we all refer to as "TPN+" (the Plus is important, as there's another product without the plus, or used to be.) This is a good one-shot solves all type product and many serious planted enthusiasts swear by it, if they are not mixing their own ferts from powders, which is cheaper.

In the USA we usually turn to the Seachem Flourish products and I've found better results (unfortunately, since it is more expensive of course) going with the full battery of individual Flourish products than the catch-all plain Flourish although that is a good one when you have neighbor kids keeping your tank over vacation. The individual Flourish bottles come in N, P, K, Trace and Iron (in addition to the liquid carbon Excel for people not doing real CO2)... and again, in the USA too, doing dry powder mixing is a far cheaper, if more involved approach to ferts. The weekly water change is usually considered an essential aspect of these dosing processes, as ianho mentions, and must not be neglected.

Managed to get the glass diffuser working with yeast but it took 4 bottles to get anything happening. Even then it was very little output so i think this is a no go.

I went back to my 2 bottles with the tube into my powerhead.

Aww thats a shame, I have been really busy with work, SO havent set mine up again yet since my little misshap. Going to do it tonight or tomorrow morning Going to setup two bottles and a Bubble checker. Then just airline straight too the tank and see what happens.
You will need to diffuse the co2 in some way otherwise the bubble will just go up and out.

What filter do you have ?
I have a Marina Slimline Hob filter :shifty: so cant diffuse that way? What are my options?
Have you got a link to the filter as i do not know them.

Is there anyway to squeeze the tube into the filter intake ?
Well yeah i could do that, But then sureley it will just go into the filer. The filter hangs on the back then trickles into the tank over a little lip.

Would this not matter? Would the C02 still be getting in ok?
In all honesty, i cant imagine very much co2 diffusing into the water even when put through the filter in the method used above. :|
In my 60ltr it seems fine going through the filter. My 240 goes through the powerhead and VERY small bubbles are all over the tank and hang around for a while so im hoping its having an effect.
Ill give it ago. Ill cram the airline into the Inlet for the Filter... See how it goes :p
This may sound daft and probably is but if i was to hook up the yeast co2 tubing into an airpump tube then attach a glass diffuser to the end this would make the diffuser work, but would this cause a negative on the co2 ?
I have an old pump that i used to use in a tank YEARS ago. Could possibly use that as a make shift powerhead in order too diffuse the bubbles?

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