Work in Progress


Fish Aficionado
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Banchory, Aberdeenshire
This thread will (hopefully) be from start to finish on my tank so if this thread keeps popping up i'll apologise in advance :rolleyes:

The tank is 48" x 18" x 15" with an Eheim professional filter & Jager 300W heater

After Collection

Quality Control (sorry, couldn't resist):

Testing hose layout:

Tank on 2" x 2" frame carcass:

I'll post more as and when i do things to it.

Thanks for looking :)

Sand substrate, lots of plants and mopani wood


Black gravel, lots of plants and blue slate or granite chunks


Something entirely different :S

Knowing me i'll spend about £50 on unwanted junk before settling on something i like :)
You're not going to put water in there are you?
How's the kid suppose to breath?

:lol: :rofl:
What do you think the hose is for? Have you never heard of water babies?!?!?!

Looks like its going to be a cool tank Aquascaper. I would go with black sand if you can find it that would look awesome with bogwood and some lovely plants.

Ben :)
Ohhh, black sand :huh:

That's sounds expensive :/
I saw some white sand at an LFS the ther day and it was £4/kg :crazy:

I put 25kg of play sand in my 30g and this tank is double that so that means:

25kg x 2 = 50kg
50kg x £4 = £100

£100 just on sand :eek:

Black gravel maybe a better option :whistle:
Well i have filled the tank and let it stand for 24 hours and there's no leaks and the frame hasn't collapsed :D

Going to the LFS tommorrow to get some decor, will post more then.
Ok, update time:

I've put a basic backing on that goes from dark blue to light blue as you go up and added sand as the substrate (i know i said i was going to get black gravel but i did say i change my mind a lot :) )
I have gone for a darker sand than the one in my 30g as Discus prefer more subdued lighting conditions and the Argos play sand is very light in colour, this was play sand from a local garden centre.

More to come when i've done more :rolleyes:

Blue backing added:

Sand added:

Water clearing slowly:
It looks great. I have halted my progress on my Discus tank because I am working out my W/C system. What im going to do is have a Y coming out of the washer faucet and then attach the hose for my R/O canisters to that. Then I will have the water go into a large trash can where the water will be heated to the proper temperture and airated. after that I will have my Mag 5 which will have threding on it so I can attach a regular old garden hose to it and use that to fill up the tank. When I drain the water I will use a gravity system which will drain outside though another garden hose into our flower bed.
FloridaFishGuy said:
It looks great. I have halted my progress on my Discus tank because I am working out my W/C system. What im going to do is have a Y coming out of the washer faucet and then attach the hose for my R/O canisters to that. Then I will have the water go into a large trash can where the water will be heated to the proper temperture and airated. after that I will have my Mag 5 which will have threding on it so I can attach a regular old garden hose to it and use that to fill up the tank. When I drain the water I will use a gravity system which will drain outside though another garden hose into our flower bed.
Wow, FFG, sounds like an awesome set-up! :cool:

Aqua- I love your tank! I can't wait till it's done! ;)
Ell-Ess-Dee said:
Nice, i had sand in my tank many moons ago - nicked from local primary school ;)
Naughty naughty :D

I'm going to put a 'T' piece on the intake hose of the filter with a couple of valves to direct flow.
By doing this the idea is that i will be able to syphon off the poo, etc. as normal with a hose and bucket. Then when it comes to refilling the tank i can just put the bucket on the floor and stick a hose in it, turn a few valves so the filter sucks the water from the bucket and not the tank. Then when it's done, turn the valves back and we're off and running again.
This also means that the (inevitably) cooler 'fresh' water will be dissapated into the tank rather than being just dumped in and thus reducing any temperature related stress on the fish.
You're planning this to be a planted tank? If so, then the sand as meant for the insulator for the heating cable to create the heat current in the substrate for the plants, right?

What's going on top of the sand? A laterite-based substrate would be idea, it'll provide a lot of nutrients for the plants. You can also use a substrate (soil base maybe) that will release CO2 over time. Then you won't have to have CO2 fertilization devices.

What are you going to use as the final top layer as the planting medium? Some type of gravel? You could use more sand, but then be ready to be the one to manually stir the substrate now and then to make sure a water current reaches the plant roots and fish waste doesn't clog the substrate. Or get a massive school of cories/loaches to do it for you.

Anyway, you're going to drain the tank before putting in the next 2 layers of substrate and furnishings in right?

PS -- if you're not going to use live plants, ignore everything I just said. :p

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