Woohooo Xmas! Not


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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I guess anyone that reads this thread will be taking xmas slow

Am not really looking forward to it. Already spent 70 quid in fish stop before it even started xD

That and chat is down >:C
Ha ha, I just logged on and saw nobody on it, guessed everyone was out partying!! Having said that I never go on as we don't have enough signal strength on Internet to keep up! Have a good one Techen, whatever you are up to!
Meh!, Doesn't feel like Christmas at all. Trying to watch as many Christmas films as poss to get me in festive mood lol, looking forward to the Crimbo dinner tho :) followed by a cider or 2
I know what you mean, weather doesn't help, I'm sick of the rain and warmth!! Bring on a lovely frosty morning please!
May do for now, Am sleepy but I wanted chat to be up so I could be lazy and speak to the fokes here. Guess Santa didn't like the idea of a chat.
woo its xmas fish chat is down :( but i just spent another £114 on ferts and plants :D will help me get in the mood
dam you i watched something called National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989) earlier with my GF was funny :)
114 quid pffffffft, I'll be 120 quid in Wednesday in a new filter :p
haha nice :) you you decided on what one yet? UV was the last but i think you had doughts again haha

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