Fish Herder
So basically you don't really care about animal cruelty if doing something about it would cost you a tiny price.
Wrong! you conveniently seem to have forgotten that I do buy free range, just because you have a bee in your bonnet about KFC and McD's makes me uncaring if I eat them.
Well then don't try to excuse buying battery farmed products because you don't have a large food budget, when you realistically do nothing at all to cut down on food costs. Your lack of money is your own fault in this sense and is again, no excuse for buying battery farmed products.
Some wild assumptions there! I never stated that I don't have a large food budget, in fact I spend more on food now than ever before BECAUSE I buy so much free range. Don't assume that you know more about financial management than I do
Then you have no real morality/ethics concerning the treatment of animals.
Wrong again, I do have ethics, but just as you are prepared to buy things that could well be made with non free range ingredients and had no issue with buying a sarnie on a train, I am prepared to occaisionally buy fast food which is non free range. if you truly believe all you are saying live your own life by it before dictating to me. When you can honestly say you never buy anything that is not intensively farmed or has ingredients that have been intensively farmed you may be on a firmer footing for your ethics ranting!
They aren't my ethics, they are yoursyou need to spot the distinction. The fundamentalist (PETA style) attitude is more likely to push people in the opposite direction, I for one fancy a McD's right now which I didn't before I got lectured.
"Sigh", i had a feeling you'd sink and pull out the "fundamentalist" card. So, let me get this right, because i refuse to buy battery farmed products and disagree with others doing so, that makes me a "PETA animal rights fundamentalist"?
Not only are you assuming but you are also misquoting me too, see the bold. You have the same attitude as PETA and you referenced them yourself in post 3 so the link is already there
A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.
You see, I do buy free range, but am honest enough to admit to buying KFC/McD and in your rigid thinking, that makes me completely wrong. The fact that I do buy free range is forgotten in your mind and you then call me a hypocrit and accuse me of having no morals or ethics.
And with the ethics, i'm just using the basic definitions of ethics. Because your ethics are convenience-based, they aren't actually really ethics at all, because ethics is a major branch of philosophy, encompasses right conduct and good life- your "ethics" appear to be little more than opinionated-whims, which you judge others upon but not so much yourself. By you saying its fine to eat McD's because its tasty even though you know its cruelly farmed stuff, but to then say that you think animals should be well-treated, its hypocritical and flawed thinking. Its like you saying that dog-kicking is wrong, but that its ok for you to kick a dog if you want to.
Now you see you could be on dodgy ground here, as has been highlighted, you say "enjoying my smokes" in your profile, do you smoke tobacco? If so, your talk of ethics/morals, health and hypocrisy is all rather ironic.