A Shrine To Madness
I have to agree there. Those are very, very tasty.pheasant
Off topic, sorry, but I love pheasant.
I have to agree there. Those are very, very tasty.pheasant
Is there any particular reason why you haven't had such fast food meals for such a long time?
My stance was to convince people to stop supporting KFC and battery farms in general so much because of the way they treat animals etc.
Good debating with you either way, you made me think more thoroughly about certain things (which is good). No hard feelings?
I know that, but what I'm saying is, you weren't just trying to convince, you were telling them not to. Do you see, the subtle difference? it's why you got the responses that you got, from me and I'd guess from others.
Once I found out about you smoking I had all the ammunition I needed to argue against you in the same manner as you were using. I suspected that like all smokers you'd hate being told how bad smoking is (for you, others, your pocket, the enviroment), just as people don't like being told how bad their diet is, or drinking etc. I know that telling someone to stop will never work, so all I can do is give people the facts and destroy any myths they have, then leave the final descision to them, if they choose to carry on, well I can't force them to stop so I have to leave them to it.
You can lead a horse to water ......
As Andywg said, your heart is definately in the right place, but your approach was just too preachy and that's why I basically mirrored the same style as you.
Of course there's no hard feelingsIt's been about the best thread on TFF since General Talk was closed
masses of tax that is reaped off products like tobacco that is propping up things like our nations NHS system
because they decide to shove food into their mouths
Don't label all smokers [or obese] as the same
You also say that some meals only take 20-30 minutes to cook but take Andy's example. He gets home at 20:10 each night. 10 minutes to get in, get changed, toilet etc. By the time he even starts to think about dinner it is pretty much 20:30. Then 30 minutes cooking time, it is now 21:00 and he hasn't even began eating yet!
I would love to have the time to cook "proper" food every day. I love cooking and would gladly do every single dayif i had the time but I don't. You are lucky that you have the time to cook like that everyday rather than having a million and one other things to do.
What difference does it make if he's eating free range or battery chicken as to how long it takes to cook/prepare?
Whilst this is off topic, I can't resist laughing about a few things here (don't take this the wrong way):
This is ironic, tobacco taxes is propping up the NHS however it is smoking related diseases that are pulling it back down again.
because they decide to shove food into their mouths
Maybe you should take more notice of something you have already said:
Don't label all smokers [or obese] as the same
I don't really have an issue with what you said I just find it amusing.
Well as said no one has to eat meat every day, and if you have no time to cook anything but ready meals for every day of the week then it's a bit worrying. There probably are free range products out there that are quick to prepare and cook even if they aren't complete "ready meals", but I don't know I don't eat meat.
Actually, hate to break it to you, but this kid pretty much needs to eat meat every day.
<a href="http/" target="_blank">http
Poor guy.
Toxis - I'll stop eating KFC the day you are officially smoke free.
Toxis - I'll stop eating KFC the day you are officially smoke free.
Actually, hate to break it to you, but this kid pretty much needs to eat meat every day.
<a href="http/" target="_blank">http
Poor guy.
Toxis - I'll stop eating KFC the day you are officially smoke free.
Mmmmmmmm still fancying a maccy D's. If only my daughter wasnt in bed Id be off to the drive through...
LOL- just humouring the topic. Its all based on fact AND opinion, and as long as we are all human beings, we will all have our own OPINION on whats right and wrong, thus making it pointless to debate on this. Give us all facts, you all have facts, but its opinion that matters.
LOL- just humouring the topic. Its all based on fact AND opinion, and as long as we are all human beings, we will all have our own OPINION on whats right and wrong, thus making it pointless to debate on this. Give us all facts, you all have facts, but its opinion that matters.
we will all have our own OPINION on whats right and wrong, thus making it pointless to debate on this.