Mmmm that KFC pic has made me hungry....
I wonder if the raw ingredients will make you feel as hungry;
How about battery chicken with prolapsed duct;

Or chicken marinated in filthy cage;

Or perhaps just a side order of dead and dying battery chickens;

Only a starving dog would find this appetizing...Funny though how when you dress it up as a KFC meal, everyone wants to eat sick distressed animals like these.
I have a true story for you. Here's some food for thought;
One day a women comes into the doctors clinic complaining of a sore throat. The doctor examines her mouth and throat and then starts to ask her a few questions, like "have you had oral sex recently", to which she answers "no". The doctor then asks if she's eaten anything funny recently, and she replies "well yes actually- about two days ago i ordered a Mcdonalds burger with majo and salad, but when i ate a bit of it, it tasted really funny and so i chucked it in the bin". The doctor muses for a few moments and then asks the lady if the burger is still in the bin- she says yes and he asks for her to bring it in to test it (he also takes a swab from her mouth for testing as well).
Anyways it turned out that she had herpes, and that when the burgar was tested, it turned out that the mayo had the cum of 5 different guys and this is how she got the herpes.
And BTW, i've worked in enough food factories in the past to know that all the myths of sphincters and snouts going into the cheap meat products are really true (i will never touch scotch eggs again "shivers"...).
edit: A rescued factory chicken;

Hopefully one day (if its not too far gone) it will look as happy and healthy as these chickens- this is what chickens should be like, free range;