Why Name Your Fish?!

I don't name my fish, but have considered calling them "bob" collectively. :fun: maybe call my king tiger "king bob" hmmmm

Do you have a fasination of the name bob to? I think bob is the funniest name in the world. I wanna get a big dog and name it bob. Hey whats your dogs name? "Bob" hehe
Why name any pet? They dont know its their name.

Well thats a bit strange...

Why do they come to you when you call their name?

Why does my staffy perk her ears up and start wagging her tail when my husband and I are talking about her and mentioning her name, but not looking at her etc..

I think a few people might disagree with you there..
I don't name my fish, but have considered calling them "bob" collectively. :fun: maybe call my king tiger "king bob" hmmmm

Do you have a fasination of the name bob to? I think bob is the funniest name in the world. I wanna get a big dog and name it bob. Hey whats your dogs name? "Bob" hehe
I have a cat named bob :)

I agree with what some others have said. My fish are more than just fish. They are pets. They are living creatures with individual personalities and part of my home and my family. My cats have names, too, but don't come when called. I've had hamsters and gerbils, too...and they all had names, none of them came when I called them either. It is easier to distinguish between them by calling them by their names, plus it is just fun coming up with cool names! :good:
if something wont come to you when you call it, why give it a name?!

Well damn, lol, Dylan didn't come when I called him for about a year - should I have held off naming him until he could respond? :lol:

Seriously, we name things we are fond of. A group of 20 tetras are tetras, but one 15 inch plec that feeds out of your hand, can be stroked and comes to see you when you open the lid DESERVES a name.

And yeah, sure dogs know their names. Sasha wags her tail when she's asleep if one of us says her name :wub:
Why do they come to you when you call their name?

because you sound exciting when you call it! my mums 2 labs come running if you shout anything that sounds interesting, but if theyre barking and i'm standing in the door trying to avoid going out there cos its pissing with rain, they wont come no matter what i scream at them! :angry:
Why name any pet? They dont know its their name.

Well thats a bit strange...

Why do they come to you when you call their name?

Why does my staffy perk her ears up and start wagging her tail when my husband and I are talking about her and mentioning her name, but not looking at her etc..

I think a few people might disagree with you there..

Dogs respond to their name but whether they actually know its their name is another thing entirely, they learn to associate the name with good things.Its the same with other words like "walkies" or "vet", a dog called Vet wouldnt come running when you called it :lol:

I name my pets right down to my praying mantis, but I dont think they care.
Why not name your fish?
They're pets.. and people name their dogs and cats and such.. so why not name your fish :D

My guppies don't have names atm... I just refer to them all as cuties or little mean Sh--s when they're chasing eachother lol....
My bettas and my danios have names though :)

And I really should name my soon to have pals cory...... since I don't know if it's a girl or guy.. I'll just name it Pat :D heh
I have only ever named my largest and oldest weather loach, Whiskers - for obvious reasons I think!

I have tried to think of names for the other fish but to be honest there are too many of them, especially the danios and WCMM, and they don't seem to have as much character as Whiskers for some reason.
Like a previous poster, I have found it convenient to name fish when I have several of the same species but different patterns, like guppies or platies. Makes it easier to keep track of them if you suspect one might be ailing, also in observing behaviour (had quite a bit of bother with male platies). Don't bother with fish that all look the same.
The only fish we name are our Bettas and Plecos. There's no point in naming the others as they all look the same but the Plecos and fighters are all different. It's much easier when me and my partner are talking fish to refer to them by their name rather than saying the red one or the blue/purple one!
if something wont come to you when you call it, why give it a name?!

my cats don't come when i call them but they have names ;) :lol: :lol:

some of the fish, particularly the bigger ones with personality are part of the family, they're my babies so they get names! also we have fun coming up with cheesy names for them :D
I name some of my fish simply because it amuses me to do so, and is completely and utterly harmless. My two honey gouramis neither know nor care that I think of them as Jack and Vera - but it makes me and my family laugh. My cat doesn't know her name either , I don't suppose, and she certainly doesn't come unless it suits her LOL - but not many people raise their eyebrows at naming a cat.

Names can be very useful, even for fish - as PPs have pointed out. Much easier to use a name than to try and describe every distinguishing feature of the fish, particularly if you have more than one of the same species.

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