Why L.f.s. Workers Are Crazy

Very funny post! All these stories remind me of a call my partner had recently. He is an electrician and works for a central heating company. He got called out to a school where they were having problems with the radiators. When he got there one of his collegues (a plumber) was already there so he was a bit confused. Then the teacher said "Oh well we asked for a electrician because we have a problem with our hoover. It was working a second ago, but when your collegue suggested there was probably air in the rad's I thought I would make myself useful and suck the air out with the hoover! Since then it hasn't worked?"

Yes it was an electric hoover, and yes it was water she had sucked up!!! :rolleyes:
I work in retail as well (clothing) and my favorite is when customers grab a random article of clothing and hand it to me and ask me if its their size.
the cashwrap in my store is in the center and there are registers on both sides. we usually only use one side, the other side gets roped off and has a large 9"x13" sign that says "Register Closed" in two languages. Every day at least one customer will step over the rope with an armload of clothes and actually move the sign to drop all their stuff on the counter then wonder why nobody comes over to ring them up. :blink:
the cashwrap in my store is in the center and there are registers on both sides. we usually only use one side, the other side gets roped off and has a large 9"x13" sign that says "Register Closed" in two languages. Every day at least one customer will step over the rope with an armload of clothes and actually move the sign to drop all their stuff on the counter then wonder why nobody comes over to ring them up. :blink:

LOL. We have software that needs to be registered online. Because it can only be registered twice and then needs to be reset there is a confirmation page after they enter their details ask them to just double check that it is all correct. On the page in large bold font and capitals is a message saying "THIS IS NOT AN ERROR PAGE. THIS IS JUST A FINAL CHANCE TO CHANGE YOUR DETAILS."

We still get about 5 or 6 support tickets a day though saying "I entered my details correctly and have this error page coming up". We even get lots of people that copy and paste the message including the "this is not an error page" part into the support ticket.
All I can say is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!
You got it!

Yeah parents who dont look after their kids in the LFS annoy me as well (as a customer). I was at my LFS at the weekend and there was a kid there banging on the glass scarying the crap out of the fish and his Dad was standing right behind him just letting him do it. I dont blame the kid, thats what kids do, its the parents responsibility to tell them not to.

I haven't seen anything funny, but I can't wait to.
Oh joyous event :D Even more fun at work for me tonight :D An old chinese lady came in wanting to get about 35 goldfish, she asked if she could pick them herself, I told her that due to the story policy the answer was no. She's being very nice about it, then she wanted to get some of the nicer looking goldfish, and the different colored ones aswell as golden ones, but no brown/black ones. I got her all the 35 goldfish and asked what size tank she had. She said oh it's a really big tank, but these guys aren't going to live in it. I asked her what she meant. She explained that the tank was about the size of that one there (pointing to the 120gallon tank) only long, and that she needed the goldfish for feeders. At that point I was a little upset cuz I just spent 10minutes scooping up 35 of the nicest looking feeders. I asked what she was feeding them to. She said oh it's one of those umm you know, fish that eat smaller fish. I started pointing to tanks and finally got to the Silver dollars she said it looks somewhat like those. I asked if they were Piranah. She said "No, no, no, not Piranahs... the um what are they called... Oh yeah! Pacus...." she ended up having 15 of them in what I assume to be about 140gallon tank. Each one is 2ft and they only have garbage powerfilters on the tank LOL.

Not to mention I don't even think that Pacus eat goldfish, atleast I was under the pretense that they don't. Am I wrong??
Oh joyous event :D Even more fun at work for me tonight :D An old chinese lady came in wanting to get about 35 goldfish, she asked if she could pick them herself, I told her that due to the story policy the answer was no. She's being very nice about it, then she wanted to get some of the nicer looking goldfish, and the different colored ones aswell as golden ones, but no brown/black ones. I got her all the 35 goldfish and asked what size tank she had. She said oh it's a really big tank, but these guys aren't going to live in it. I asked her what she meant. She explained that the tank was about the size of that one there (pointing to the 120gallon tank) only long, and that she needed the goldfish for feeders. At that point I was a little upset cuz I just spent 10minutes scooping up 35 of the nicest looking feeders. I asked what she was feeding them to. She said oh it's one of those umm you know, fish that eat smaller fish. I started pointing to tanks and finally got to the Silver dollars she said it looks somewhat like those. I asked if they were Piranah. She said "No, no, no, not Piranahs... the um what are they called... Oh yeah! Pacus...." she ended up having 15 of them in what I assume to be about 140gallon tank. Each one is 2ft and they only have garbage powerfilters on the tank LOL.

Not to mention I don't even think that Pacus eat goldfish, atleast I was under the pretense that they don't. Am I wrong??

I don't claim to be an expert, but from my understanding, a healthy Pacu diet consists almost entirely of vegetable matter, but they are opportunistic and will gladly eat any fish/insect/other meat small enough to fit in their mouths that they can catch. A kid in our store once reached into the cricket bin and threw a handful of small feeder crickets into the pacu tank, and the insects were gone in all of five seconds.
That's the 1st time i have ever read 3 pages on a topic, so funny,

my auntie taps on the glass with her nails, don't know how many times i tell her!
Kids get the wrong idea with fish:

I was looking around at some fish at Petsmart and this little kid comes up too me. (has no parents around)

Kid: Hey...Hey u! I gotted that fish and it dead now.

Me :blink: : umm...yeah thats... sad

Kid: no I haded lots fish be4.

(little kid began too pound on the glass) :sick:

Me: Becareful, the fish get upset when u do that...

Kid :shout: : so what! fish r stupid!

I HATE it, when kids do that. although they don't really understand.
Kids get the wrong idea with fish:

I was looking around at some fish at Petsmart and this little kid comes up too me. (has no parents around)

Kid: Hey...Hey u! I gotted that fish and it dead now.

Me :blink: : umm...yeah thats... sad

Kid: no I haded lots fish be4.

(little kid began too pound on the glass) :sick:

Me: Becareful, the fish get upset when u do that...

Kid :shout: : so what! fish r stupid!

I HATE it, when kids do that. although they don't really understand.

that happened to me too lol, thats when i said the fish is probably smarter then you, i got introuble for that one but it was worth it lol
Kids get the wrong idea with fish:

I was looking around at some fish at Petsmart and this little kid comes up too me. (has no parents around)

Kid: Hey...Hey u! I gotted that fish and it dead now.

Me :blink: : umm...yeah thats... sad

Kid: no I haded lots fish be4.

(little kid began too pound on the glass) :sick:

Me: Becareful, the fish get upset when u do that...

Kid :shout: : so what! fish r stupid!

I HATE it, when kids do that. although they don't really understand.

that happened to me too lol, thats when i said the fish is probably smarter then you, i got introuble for that one but it was worth it lol

you guys, I got the goldfish for my 6 year old, and I wont let her do anything with them, and I got her the Betta, and I won't let her do anything with him either except give 1 bit of food under supervision and the food is even too high for her to climb up, but I still call them her fish LOL
hahaha! Kids r silly that way. One day their sweet :angel: and the other nasty :devil: . But when u do mess with em' its pretty easy too out smart em'.
you guys, I got the goldfish for my 6 year old, and I wont let her do anything with them, and I got her the Betta, and I won't let her do anything with him either except give 1 bit of food under supervision and the food is even too high for her to climb up, but I still call them her fish LOL

ahhh I see. To be able to get more tanks I just need to have some kids first and then I can say its for them.... ;)
I have had afew situations like this lol

When my partner owned his own PC Store he used to build computers for ppl.
Anyway a woman who had orderd a PC for her son for Xmas came to collect the PC.
All she orderd was PC tower & Monitor anyway I didn't work at the store but I tried to give some advice to her...

Me: Theres a good budget range for a Keyboard & Mouse if your interested.
Woman: No no, Theres no use tryin to sell me things I don't need
Me: You really will need a Keyboard & Mouse tho.
Woman: I know how you people work!
Me: I don't work here I'm just tryin to help
Woman: Ah the old I don't work here thing? Theres no need to Keyboards & Mice he only wants it for games.

Needless to say my partner recently closed down the store when we moved but still that woman makes me laugh.

Another funny one was when I sold a Xbox 360 game on Ebay.

Guy: I'm messagein you to complain that this game doesn't work!
Me: Please explain whats happening when you try to play the game
Guy: I start my PC up as always and put the disc in and nothing happens
Me: Hmm it's a 360 Game not a Pc game thats why.
Guy: Yes but it's made by Microsoft and my PC has Microsoft on it

lol anyway he didn't want a refund anymore lol after abit of explaining

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