Why do you keep fish?


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
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New York
Many of us have been keeping fish for a long time, and some of us for a shorter time. One thing we all have in common surely must be that we've been through good times and bad with it. But despite all that, we go on. :nod:

This is a place to talk about that "special something" about fish that keeps us enthralled with our little pets. What is it that makes you buy a new fish when your heart has been broken by the death of others. What makes an aquarium more of a thing of beauty to you than a lovely painting on a wall, or more intriguing than a bookcase full of books, that could be taking up the same space in your home?

Why do you keep fish? :dunno:
well i didn't really want fish my brother did and he got a tank for christmas and my parents had nothing else to give so they just picked one up too, anyways i got african cichlids now and they're amazing, they're geniuses, and i think of them as just as much a pet as me bird or me dog or me cat, but my brother got's newts and whiteclouds and frogs, all but the newts are really boreing if i ended up with fish like that i don't think i'd be very intrested in the hobby

anyone else?
What keeps me going is an attempt to recreate an environment, something inpossible for most other pets. Also, it is my Corys, they are to fun and cute to stop buying more and more tanks for them.
I got them for christmas after pleading to be allowed a pet for 15 (yes! 15!!) years. i would've preferred a rabbit at the time but now ive kept fish for a few years i think they're probably the most interesting pet anyone could have, because you dont just keep the animal, you keep its whole environment. and they're pretty, cute, relaxing, all the usual stuff...and i like to see my panda corys twitching their barbels at me. :D bless 'em
Because I'm obsessed with anything underwater. If I can't be watching fish while I'm diving then I can do it at home.
yeah just brilliant cannot stop buying tanks and getting all sorts of different fish and different tank setups remember everyone has had the bad times and that we just remember what went wrong so we do not do it again plus some fish if not all deffo have personalitys :p :band:
clutterydrawer said:
because you dont just keep the animal, you keep its whole environment.
Excellent way of wording it!!! :D

I've always had fish, since I was a little kid (bettas and goldies) and I always will :D .

They're just fascinating , after I set up my first real tropical tank, there was no stopping me! :hyper:
i have them because i like 2 seem them swim, and i like the brite colors, like the cichlids, i keep buying them because i read about fish and theres always a new 1 i want, like cichlids, and im going 2 be buying some cichlid tanks pretty soon. and maybe one for each type, its fun 2 see them interact w/other kinds, and feed them, etc. even changing the water isnt that bad.
I suppose that when I got them (about age 15), it was because they were a bit different, and because my parents thought it was a stupid phase and that I didn't really want them - so obviously I had to prove them wrong!

For a while I suppose that they were just a bit of a novelty to look at every now and then, but then my guppies had babies. The babies were all eaten, but it kind of made me aware of the whole environment thing, and I liked the idea of that, and saw it as a challenge. From there it's just gone on with it's own momentum - I don't really intend to do things with my tank, they just sort of happen these days!

And, of course they're still 'different' pets, interesting and relaxing to watch with their individual personalities.
I like the relaxation side of it, and it's also a pet you can buy cheaply and once you get the tank set up, is easy to maintain. I go for the natural tank look, and I think the tank looks great too. Amazing to watch, and I love the "oddballs" such as crabs, frogs and newts, despite some saying these aren't as good.
we always had fish. but i just recently got into the hobby. i think fishkeeping allows you to have a piece of nature in your own home. it's quite amazing to watch these creatures and their interactions in their own little environment that you created. i don't know, i just find it fascinating and it's also very relaxing

how about you Inchworm? ;)
Another point: The fact that there are infinite possibilities. You can completely change the way your tank looks, change the fish you've got, add plants, etc, etc,

*Profound and dramatic voice* The only limit is your own imagination *End profound and dramatic voice*

I think I've stolen that quote from somewhere, but doesn't it fit well?
i dun no to tell u the truth.

i went up a friends house who had a lovley 30gal tank with all these nice fish in, i actualy fell to sleep watchin it(at the time i was having trouble sleeping due to alot of stress doin nvq's and driving lessons/tests ect) then she took me to an lfs to get some dechlorinator and i saw loads more of lovley lookin fish.... they i saw a 2ft (the one iv had back again) setup for 105 and i thought.... why not.. i got it set it up (had a few deaths because i had no idea what i was doin) and from there want onto a 3ft and a 4ft within a span of 6months... weird :huh:

bit i do agree its a relaxation thing for me, i could do a crappy 12hr shift, come in full of rage (same as yesterday) and look at my tank (whilst thinkin it looks crappy) do a complete strip down (cursing all the while) but after iv done it and refilled it i feel so relaxed... then i watch my fish finding their hidyholes again cause 'mums been on a rampage' then my two crabs will come out an terrorise the tank for a bit (as well as disturb my plants)... im rambling :crazy:

but i do feel loads better after doing my tanks :)
I never really thought of myself as a fish person, but when i got my first goldfish for christmas I just thought they were fascinating and its stemmed from there. I can sit on the bed by the tropical tank and suddenly an hour has gone past and I've just been sitting perfectly contented watching my fish. They make me happy :)
I keep fish for a few reasons, not in any order...

1. I can afford to
2. I can afford larger tanks by having $$$/space for them
3. I like creating a little world to MY liking
4. It relaxes me
5. They are a showpiece in the rooms they are in
6. Not many other family/friends have them
7. I like the colors/patterns/styles/sizes of the fishs
8. It gives me something to do, something to look after other than my typical responsibilities, car/house/wife/daughter/job. Fish are "funner" than work. :hey:

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