Why do you keep fish?

I keep fish for a number of reasons. I love taking care of their environment...I don't care what anyone says, I like cleaning up fish poop! lol! I love making a home for creatures using whatever my creativity comes up with. Watching them helps me relax and to smile, and I find myself laughing at some of their crazy antics and wide range of personalities. I love their colors and the way they move...

To sum it up...I keep them because I love everything about about them. They are amazing, beautiful little creatures. :wub:
To see into a complete different ecosystem amazes me. We actually see right into a completely different world than we know. It's as if we are peeking in on some magical place that is forbidden to all humans.

I can't count the hours that I've sat just simply staring.....peeking.......giggling......worrying......loving!!!

:wub: :wub:

I could never get sick of simply observing these spectacular creatures in a world that I could never live. If I could be a mermaid......... * ahhhh, the possibilities * :look:

I also love to swim, I love the sea, I love lakes ........ I think the two go hand in hand........ :shifty: hmmmmm, I think I'm going to make a Poll about that comment!! -_-
Great question. I have only had fish for the past 2 1/2 to 3 years. I actually got my first one from my close friend. It was a betta. When they moved, they no longer had the counter space to keep it and she asked me if I was interested. Having always thought about the idea, I took "Ralph." And I immediately loved taking care of him.

I have always been a water person, love the ocean, bays, etc. Many years ago I moved to live on the water so I guess it was natural for me to love having fish. There is a serenity within their peaceful world that flows out beyond the tank walls. I love feeling that sense of serenity.
besides the relaxation of watching the fish in their environment. I like to learn and after 30+ years in this hobby there has not been a day go by that my fish have not taught me something. :)
I keep fish so that I have something to converse with you people about on this forum.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Really, I've been keeping them since I was a small boy, I'm in my mid 40's now, and I still find them endlessly fascinating. There is always something new to try, some fish to breed that you haven't tried yet, some new system or method or variety coming along...the hobby is constantly changing. Every time I go into the lfs, I find something new that I had not seen before (esp. if you look real closely at the reef tanks).
And they're quiet. Peace and tranquility means a lot anymore.
I like fish for many reasons.

First I enjoy the challenge, why I like to keep difficult species, always something to tweak and fix, stuff you don't just mindlessly throw a wrench at, you actually have to figure it out, and then fix it. also why I like computers. A fishtank is like a computer really, there's hardware (tank, filters, etc) and "software" (fish, water, etc) you need to figure out which one is broken, and how to fix it without breaking anything else or compounding the problem...like a big fun puzzle

second I like to observe their behavior. The Beauty of the efficient brutality of piranha's feeding and their schoaling habit, the lithe swimming of a silver arrowana, the mating and parenting habits of large cichlids, the speed of a vampire tetra taking its meal, territory battles, the way they all respond to my presence, the archer fish shooting a cricket off a leaf on the tank rim, and the power of an adult male red devil slamming into a heater and costing me 30 god damn dollars...it's all so thrilling to see.

and who can forget what a great conversation peice that tank of piranhas make when companies over...probably one of the best reasons
I've had them in one form or another all my life. We were a military family so providing for the fish we moved was my job as the oldest... I did well really, must have good instincts. Have always been attracted to water in all forms and the fish tank allows me to keep it with me always.
I also like to share my love for the fish with those that may not have been exposed to very many tanks or fish. Children love to watch - even though they always seem so busy, most children spend real time when invited to watch. My aquarium isn't "off limits" either in a way that restricts how children can participate in the care and observation. Rather then tell a child not to tap the tank, I talk about what happens to fish when we move past their world too quick, make too loud a noise or shake their home. So far no child has ever tapped twice and they are the first to tell others how to "act" around the fish.
I guess you can say that at this stage of my life it is the sharing of this magical underwater world that does it for me. :D Thanks for asking Inchworm - it's a very nice topic and has had such wonderful and lovely responses!

I first got my 2ft tank cos I started working in a pet shop, about 6-8mths after I got the job I thought hell, I know nothing about fish. so I bought the tank and read loads of books. I knew about the basics but I didnt know much more than that. since i got my fish I have learnt loads from them especially about pl*cos and I love the fish! I can also advise the customers are much more about flishers. I can watch them for ages but I dont really like cleaning them out cos I have to carry the heavy buckets dowstairs from my bedroom.
My parents had talked about getting a fish tank for years, but it wasn't until earlier this year, when my dear old cat died, that we decided to do loads of research and get a tank. We have started off small but hope to get a new (and larger) tank next year.

I find the whole thing fascinating: the interaction between fish to fish and species to species, the sussing out of a new environment and the birth and development of fry is amazing. It can (and does) keep me amused for hours!
I never did notice fish or anything untill my g/f brought a beta and a blackmore, had them in a fish bowl, then brought a 1ft tank with some guppies, neons, kissing fish. I now have 8 tanks and just brought a 511g tank it then blew out to about 100 fish. Insted of having neons and guppies i now have large SA and CA cichlids and use the neons and guppies as food, why? i know it sounds bad but i cant get enough of looking at my cichlids attacking and ripping apart the tank. Its true what some people say you can change it around any time you like and its a differnt world to us, no matter how down i am i can always look at my fish and relax.

I keep fish as company, you see i used to have gold fish and golden rudd in my room, and so i had company but i did not relize it until i lost them all, and i got lonely and my mother saw this so she bought me a heater for my tank and then two days later we went out and got some tropical fish and i had company again and i can sit there for hours on end just watching them as they send me off into a sleep..

I keep fish because if i kept 60+ of any other type of animal in my front room the house would stink :lol:
well for me it is very relaxing to come home after a long day or night at work and just sit there to relax. there so many ways you can change the look of the tank, diff types of fish, its a different world to watch. not your typical pet like a dog or a cat.. when ever company comes over the fish tank aways get a lot of viewing from company... so that is way i have finally gotten back into fish tanks. plus my kids have been asking for a bigger tank.... since are small 1 gallon... a bigger tank will teach them some responsibility...

Thanks Monster,
I never thought of me as a fish person till i got guppies. EVRYONE STARTS WITH GUPPIES! I now have oscars and convicts. Also a black ghost who has a very weird persona :p They are just relaxing and fun 2 watch
I just love having them around, they are beautiful and interesting, soothing sometimes and exciting at others...they give me something to look after, take care of and having them be healthy and live long lives tells me that I am good at something, something that is really important, like was said before, you are not just taking care of the fish, but you are creating and caring for their entire environment...sometimes doing something wrong and learning from it and sometimes doing something wrong and never knowing what it was...all learning experiences.

Most people come into my house and are floored by all of the beautiful fish and tanks that I have, but they still leave think I am a freak for having as many as I do...who cares, right? I mean I think the same thing sometimes, like I have gone too far...but really, if I were really a freak, I think I would have already found room for at least ten more tanks by now....fish are just a great escape from a sometimes terrible reality. That's my reason.

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