Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

To be fair I think this sounds a bit like a loosing battle. People will only keep fish properly if they want to listen and if not then they just have to live in ignorance while we all cringe. Perfect example chap I sold my tank too, tried to explain fishless cycling to him totaly didnt listen and said he was going to buy some neons in the morning with his kids so I just nodded and left - that was after a 45 min lecture on the nitrogen cycle.......
[quote name 'Wills' ]
To be fair I think this sounds a bit like a loosing battle. People will only keep fish properly if they want to listen and if not then they just have to live in ignorance while we all cringe. Perfect example chap I sold my tank too, tried to explain fishless cycling to him totaly didnt listen and said he was going to buy some neons in the morning with his kids so I just nodded and left - that was after a 45 min lecture on the nitrogen cycle.......

wow, that guy must of had one big black out in his head to miss 45 minutes of $ saving info.(trust me, involve money and theyll do whatever you tell em to)

back to thread.. i do not believe in no win situations, i say convince the family member with the weakest morale and then its 2v2. convince your brother 3v2 convince mom and dad will give up if you complian when hes watching his favorite show. :good:

whats winding up mean? slang for 'beat the **** out of him?' im an american, wat can you expect? (however im not that stupid :p )

i also aggree that this interesting indeed.
[quote name 'Wills' ]
To be fair I think this sounds a bit like a loosing battle. People will only keep fish properly if they want to listen and if not then they just have to live in ignorance while we all cringe. Perfect example chap I sold my tank too, tried to explain fishless cycling to him totaly didnt listen and said he was going to buy some neons in the morning with his kids so I just nodded and left - that was after a 45 min lecture on the nitrogen cycle.......

wow, that guy must of had one big black out in his head to miss 45 minutes of $ saving info.(trust me, involve money and theyll do whatever you tell em to)

back to thread.. i do not believe in no win situations, i say convince the family member with the weakest morale and then its 2v2. convince your brother 3v2 convince mom and dad will give up if you complian when hes watching his favorite show. :good:

whats winding up mean? slang for 'beat the **** out of him?' im an american, wat can you expect? (however im not that stupid :p )

i also aggree that this interesting indeed.

You watched Star Trek the movie! :lol:

Sorry, I had to! That is a great movie!

What!!! be quiet!

they took it from me first! why does everybody say that?!

im done with star trek for now though, it was an AWSEOME movie except for the fact my dad made me watch it every day for the thanksgiving break. and they replay the same music over and over and over and over.

ps. how did spok get to the vulcan academy of sciences despite his disability? he cut other students heads off :lol: (to get it youll have to kno the actor who plays spok.)

btw how is the battle going? are even online?! :crazy:
ok i think thats enough side tracking for now lol

back to buissness
Winding up mean teasing and just generally being annoying Mojo.

I hope your brother and parents see sense and decide to listen to your advice.
I've got a 57L tank and i was gonna buy 3 or 4 Sarrassa to put in there :crazy: but i'm glad now that i didn't cos before coming on here i didn't know they needed such huge tanks. It'll be a real shame if he goes against the whopping great stack of advice and knowledge on here.
Anyway keep us informed!
hi, well my brother looked at the other fish and said he really likes the gold barbs, so i think that he is nearly convinced. but i'm banned from talking about it with my parents, so i'll have to make sure that my brother is on my side, then i'll get him to tell my parents that he wants tropical fish. i'll take him to my lfs to make him sure. (i'll keep him away from the goldfish)

he was actually thinking of getting sarassa's
just been wondering, if he gets a shoal of gold barbs, which other fish could he keep with them? i'm thinking maybe some dwarf corries? not sure about what for the higher levels?
not sure, but with 6 gold barbs, i think its nearly reached the stocking limit, so just a nice group of small cories. But its still waaaayy better than 1 stunted goldfish :lol: ! dont kno why he would consider that in the first place, but its probably he hasnt seen many other brightly coloured fish!

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