Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

Harlequin rasboras and ember tetras work well with bettas IMO, it all depends on the bettas personality, Livebearers may work again depending on the personality.
thanks, i'll show him those.

email sent to brother in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, :hyper:
ok you were making it sound like you wanted fish that were more colourful and cooler. Just tell him that he cant keep more the 1 or 2 gold fish in the tank BUT if he got smaller fish he could have more. Go to the store with him and have him look around. Maybe he just needs to see fore himself.

He can't put any goldfish in that tank without stunting their growth horribly, and the filter required for a pair of goldfish would blast the water round a tank that size like a washing machine.

A pair of goldfish need 55 gallons at least.

Try and get him to go with gold barbs. Or Male guppies perhaps? You can't say they aren't colourful.

Don't tell him to get goldfish. The tank is not remotely big enough even for one. Small tropicals would do just great in a 2 foot tank and won't suffer as goldfish would ( approx 12-15 gallons )
hi, i've been trying to convince him not to get goldfish for ages, but it's 4 against 1. my mum dad and sister are on his side.
hmm i really like corries, which do you think would be best suited to a 2ft tank? i especially like sterbai?
I must say, this is an interesting thread! I cannot wait to see the outcome; I hope it is a good one and your brother makes the right choice!

There are so many colorful freshwater fish out there! I can't believe he does not realize this!

peppered corys,panda corys,salt and pepper corys and dwarf corys.there are probably more speicies but no more come to mind
I must say, this is an interesting thread! I cannot wait to see the outcome; I hope it is a good one and your brother makes the right choice!

There are so many colorful freshwater fish out there! I can't believe he does not realize this!


thanks, i think i've nearly convinced my brother now, he read the email, but i think that my parents will be harder. they are convinced that goldfish are better.

peppered corys,panda corys,salt and pepper corys and dwarf corys.there are probably more speicies but no more come to mind
thanks, what do you think about the sterbai corys, do you think they are too big?
I agree that a larger group of smaller corys would look great.

But Sterbai are also very cute and would be fine in a 2fter

Also...so what if your parents disagree, if it's his tank surely it's his decision...

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