Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

I wouldn't put rams in a 2 footer, personally. Bolivians do fine at 24-26oC its just the Blue rams that need the higher temperatures.

I think A species of apistogramma would be a better choice.
sorry, but i can't get him. when i went to get him, he attacked me, so now i'm in trouble, and if i mention fish to him again then i'm in trouble. he reckons that it's just "fish snobbery" getting tropical fish. i don't think he'll see sense until he has had goldfish for a couple of years and got bored with them, and no plants or anything. but then he'll be at uni, and then maybe i'll inherit it and put some proper fish in it.
thanks anyway.
any more suggestions might help someone else, or maybe i could have a look at them if i get his tank in a few years.
I agree than bolivians would be too big.

But GBR's are more like 5cm when fully grown. Why would you not put them in a 2ft-er?
Not questioning you, I'm just interested...
The blue rams that get to 2 inches are of poor quality and won't last 2 seconds, the good quality stock can hit 3 inches easily, and are a lot hardier, my male's at 3.5 inches, and the female just short of him.
Send him some pictures in an inconspicuously named e-mail? Lol.
Other than that I have no suggestions...nevermind I guess.

Edit: Then that's a fair point truck. Shame really, cause that lowers the number of bright dwarf cichlids to shell dwellers and apistos.
i think that maybe i'll email him this thread and see what he thinks. good idea about the inconspicuous name.
Wouldn't he know it was you who sent the email after you've been urging him to get tropical fish? and I agree with curiosity,dwarf cockatoo chichlids would be perfect
hmm, i'll get 1 of my friends to email him it.
i'll show him the dwarf cockatoo cichlids as well.
Yeah but if you named it... 'Really funny video I found' or something equally sneaky then he wouldn't know it was fish :D
Try telling him that there is no goldfish on the planet that can live happily in a 2footer, they should easily reach 6inches within 18months and can grow on to be 8-9inches (for fancy varieties) and common bodied varieties dont belong in a tank at all as they can reach 15inches. Goldfish are also HUGE waste producers on a par with plecs and require double filteration with an external filter being optimal, for ONE fancy goldfish to live a happy life it requires at least 30gallons IMO and a BARE MINIMUM of 20gallons to grow properly. I myself have witnessed the size of a mature fancy goldfish (i work in an aquatics shop) and knowingly a baby goldfish with a 30gallon waiting for it when it has grown on a bit (it's just past the fry stage found the poor dear being bullied by the rest of the batch). Let your brother know that what he would be doing would be cruel and rather selfish :no: . If he is dead set on coldwater then how about long or short fin zebra/lepord danios or golden white cloud mountain minnows.
He could have a lovely colourfull community in a 2ft but NOT GOLDFISH. Take him down to your local LFS and show him all the wonderfull fish he could have.

And tel him to save goldfish keeping to those who can accomodate them ;)

Best of luck
If he wants goldfish for their looks, surely platies would be perfect. The sunset ones are so bright and a load of them swimming around has got to be better than a couple of goldies surely?
Gold Barbs look very similar to goldfish - same shape and colour, and you could have a shoal in a 60l
I absolutely agree with the suggestion of gold barbs. Show him this picture.


They look enough like goldfish in shape to be satisfactory, are very basic and easy to keep, and you can have a group of 6 in a 2 foot tank ( I wouldn't add any other fish after those though as it would be quite overstocked which will lead to water quality problems ) They clearly are not remotely grey in colour either.

They're active and entertaining fish, more so than goldfish would be in that tank as the golds would end up extremely stunted and would not live to their full lifespan of over 20 years .

I have 6 myself and would highly reccomend them.
1 pair Apistogramma cacatuoides with 4 White Cloud Minnow's
1 pair Apistogramma bitaeniata with 6 zebra danio's
Apistogramma agassizii with 6 zebra danio's...

preform 25% weekly waterchanges religously to keep in good health..

just a few more idea's

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