Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

i comletedley aggree witht the gold barbs, i have 5 in my 20 along with 6 praecox rainbows and they are fantastic! they are really quite funny to watch and everyone gets along really well.

even if he got a goldfish, thats all he can have really,

what are the true dimensions of the tank? this willbe better for stocking.

also is he older or younger? younger are annoying and cant get away with ****, older though and just barge in there and tell him. i know, i got a brother too (more like a monkey)
My brother is the same! Hes 22 and wont listen to me even though they try and tease me and call me the fish expert (which i obv take as a compliment). Annnyway. I have a 2' tank spare, with heater, light everything he needs. I could even give him mature media so he wouldnt have to wait but nope he wants a goldfish in a bowl for hes kid... its just pointless.
what are the true dimensions of the tank? this willbe better for stocking.

also is he older or younger? younger are annoying and cant get away with ****, older though and just barge in there and tell him. i know, i got a brother too (more like a monkey)

hi, i'm not really sure about the tank dimensions, i think he is getting a juwel rekord 600? or something like that, and he is 2 years older than me.
ok, tell him his goldfish isne even going to know who he is after 3 seconds (which i know is false) but try and say negative tings about the goldfish till he sees it just cant work.

who honest to god would rather have a goldfish than some other fish? i mean cool if t gets real big but hell need a bigger tank and he cant put anything ele with it!

just complain till you get into trouble with your parents :good:
then e migt see your not throwing out no jive.
"ok, tell him his goldfish isne even going to know who he is after 3 seconds (which i know is false) but try and say negative tings about the goldfish till he sees it just cant work."

Are you for real???? Thats a myth goldfish can be trained ours were. Al we had to do was stick our finger in the water and they all would be right in front of us waiting fo food. They lived in a water garden. We would feed them Everything. put a cricket in there it would swim till it got attach by the big gold fish. They were like oscars in the way they ate live food.

Whats wrong with goldfish? Its his tank let him do what he wants. I think goldfish are great. I grew up with them. They are hardy and fun. I have a soft spot for black moors I love them.

I say let him have the fish he wants. You might be surprised at how much fun they can be. But he really can only have 2 fancy gold fish in that tank. That might make him rethink his stocking. Honestly I enjoy goldfish and think they get over looked too much. only reason I don't have any is because not many other fish can be kept with them. But someday I would like to have some again.
yes, i agree that there is nothing wrong with goldfish, but in a small tank i think it's cruel. he would probably put loads in as well. he had 3 goldfish in a 20 l tank before, i told him not to, and then he wondered why 1 died straight away, and the others only lasted for a couple of years. i'm fine with goldfish in a big tank or pond.
yes, i agree that there is nothing wrong with goldfish, but in a small tank i think it's cruel. he would probably put loads in as well. he had 3 goldfish in a 20 l tank before, i told him not to, and then he wondered why 1 died straight away, and the others only lasted for a couple of years. i'm fine with goldfish in a big tank or pond.

ok you were making it sound like you wanted fish that were more colourful and cooler. Just tell him that he cant keep more the 1 or 2 gold fish in the tank BUT if he got smaller fish he could have more. Go to the store with him and have him look around. Maybe he just needs to see fore himself.
Just let him, and then in your tank, have the most colourful fish you can find, rainbows(if the tank is big enough), tetra's and freshwater gobies, then everytime you see him by his tank, simply say; "nice tank" and walk off
i've said that he could only have 1 or 2 goldfish, but he wouldn't listen. my tank is quite colourful, i've got serpae tetras cardinals, kribs, (just seen some eggs tonight!!!) and copper harlequins, but he still thinks that they are boring.
just making email now, disguised as a video, thanks for the idea Curiosity101. i'm just adding some pics to it now.
i've said that he could only have 1 or 2 goldfish, but he wouldn't listen. my tank is quite colourful, i've got serpae tetras cardinals, kribs, (just seen some eggs tonight!!!) and copper harlequins, but he still thinks that they are boring.

wind him up then :nod:
Not the best community fish but absouloutly stunning,a betta,<<this is what made my sister stop saying fish were usless wastes of space :hooray:
i tried winding him up, but it hurts. not sure about bettas. wouldn't they just get their fins ripped?

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