I wonder if he had a hard time adjusting.
It's possible. Bettas dislike flow. Can you redirect it against the glass to "break" it ?

artificial decoration
Is dangerous to lingfinned fishes. They can tear them up on it.

This new set up also has aeration.
In the form of ?

Two things I haven't tried yet is tea tree leaves
Hmm, preferably catappa leaves.

Kh: 180
Gh: 30
Ph: 8
In ppm ?
pH is too high ! He probably developped a finrot due to unsuitable parameters; he is uncomfortable, so goes stressed out, then get the most common sickness in Betta : finrot.
Give him pH 6.5 to 7 maximum, KH GH below 105 ppm.
I think he exhaust himself against flow due to his heavy and cumbersome fins.

Our water currently is too soft, has a higher ph, and too high alkalinity here
So more hard than soft ;)

I have been adding ph down to his water changes to eventually neutralize it slowly.
Which one ?
Be carefull with these products...

Snails are no problem.
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It's possible. Bettas dislike flow. Can you redirect it against the glass to "brake" it ?

Is dangerous to lingfinned fishes. They can tear them up on it.

In the form of ?

Hmm, preferably catappa leaves.

In ppm ?
pH is too high ! He probably developped a finrot due to unsuitable parameters; he is uncomfortable, so goes stressed out, then get the most common sickness in Betta : finrot.
Give him pH 5.5 to 7 maximum, KH GH below 105 ppm.
I think he exhaust himself against flow due to his heavy and cumbersome fins.

So more hard than soft ;)

Which one ?
Be carefull with these products...

Snails are no problem.
Yeah I thought the flow might be bothering him. The way the tank filter is I had to disconnect the tube and move it slightly to the left so only some of the water goes into the tank. I was hoping the flow was adjustable but it wasn't. Luckily this way slowed it down.

For sure. At the time I couldn't afford a real plant set up but now he has so many real plants and a driftwood he can sit in.

The aeration is a small bubble filter with air stone.

Looool guess my fish is into that

Yeah the tap water here is bad lol idk how I haven't gotten sick yet if I'm being honest. That's why I got the RO unit because using ph down isn't working too well. Everytime I check it its at 8 still. I can't fix the gh or kh til the ro unit gets here but it should be soon.

The ph down I am using is by api
Oh really? Never knew that it would do that. I mean, ph is the same in my other tank without it so the tap needs fixing anyways. Temp is 78 F my heater isn't adjustable 😞
The ph down I am using is by api
Frankly speaking forget this kind of products.
I just check it on API site and there are none ingredients. I never trust brands that aren't fully transparent.
Oh really? Never knew that it would do that. I mean, ph is the same in my other tank without it so the tap needs fixing anyways. Temp is 78 F my heater isn't adjustable 😞
78°F is OK.
Betta don't need more oxygenation as their labyrinth allows them to breath out of water, like us.

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