I'm an angry fish keeper right now.

Every single fuplie time I see this kid named Emanuel, from my homeschool group. He’s like 12 and he is super short, which makes his taunting/degrading almost humorous... if he wasn’t taunting/degrading me.

I don’t know why he thinks he can treat people the way he does. He likes to make people feel terrible and enjoys seeing them suffer.

I tower him by at least 1 1/2 feet, which is why it’s almost funny.
funny there is a short kid who's 13 and name is Emmanuel at my middle school let's just say he's a little jerk
Every single fuplie time I see this kid named Emanuel, from my homeschool group. He’s like 12 and he is super short, which makes his taunting/degrading almost humorous... if he wasn’t taunting/degrading me.

I don’t know why he thinks he can treat people the way he does. He likes to make people feel terrible and enjoys seeing them suffer.

I tower him by at least 1 1/2 feet, which is why it’s almost funny.
Ask him why he does it?
Try to get people around in public when you ask him. See if he has a valid response. If he doesn't, then he is probably overcompensating for being short or younger than everyone else and you might suggest he try not to act so immature. Although if he's 12 years old, he probably won't change and will simply call you a doody head and flick a booga at you.
I think it is illegal to just dump fish in a canal and also very immoral. Hopefully he stops keeping fish if they are disposable items to him.
Yeah, most countries frown on releasing introduced (non endemic) species into natural water ways because the fish can become a pest or introduce diseases that kill the local fauna.

But then you get some countries like New Guinea, where the government release Tilapia into the local water ways so the natives have some fish to eat. Unfortunately the natives don't like Tilapia and start starving because the Tilapia have eaten all the native/ endemic fish.
So he wouldn’t listen eh.I would have exploded on the muppet,dragged him back to the passenger seat of his car and drove him to the local AE,where I would have dumped him at the kerb and dipped his pocket for the taxi fare home.How’s that for a swift solution Scottish style.
So..... what was in the bags??? ?
This is a rough list. I believe this was all in one tank, but I have no idea what size it was.

7 neon tetra
3 cardinal tetra
7 glow light tetra
4 very small Angel fish
1 honey gourami
4 harlequin raspbora
4 leopard danio
10 zebra danio
3 dwarf gourami - I think turquoise
6 green tiger barbs
2 tiger barbs
1 bronze corydora
2 rubber lipped pleco
1 bristle nose pleco
4 nerite snails

I don't think I'm forgetting anything in that list.

I managed to get a hold of the owner of my local fish shop and he said I was welcome to take him what I didn't want to keep, which is honestly most of it.

He also agreed to take the plants to see if there was anything worth saving. I had only dumped them in a bucket of water and wasn't going to keep any.

I will keep the bag of rock and wood, that may be usable to me.

I am keeping all of the above listed tetra and the nerite snails.

Amusingly I now have store credit for the remaining stock and plants.

Edit to add. - I did miss something from the list.
3 platy
1 molly
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This is a rough list. I believe this was all in one tank, but I have no idea what size it was.

7 neon tetra
3 cardinal tetra
7 glow light tetra
4 very small Angel fish
1 honey gourami
4 harlequin raspbora
4 leopard danio
10 zebra danio
3 dwarf gourami - I think turquoise
6 green tiger barbs
2 tiger barbs
1 bronze corydora
2 rubber lipped pleco
1 bristle nose pleco
4 nerite snails

I don't think I'm forgetting anything in that list.

I managed to get a hold of the owner of my local fish shop and he said I was welcome to take him what I didn't want to keep, which is honestly most of it.

He also agreed to take the plants to see if there was anything worth saving. I had only dumped them in a bucket of water and wasn't going to keep any.

I will keep the bag of rock and wood, that may be usable to me.

I am keeping all of the above listed tetra and the nerite snails.

Amusingly I now have store credit for the remaining stock and plants.

Edit to add. - I did miss something from the list.
3 platy
1 molly
Wow! He really did sack you with the lot, didn't he? Doubt I'm anywhere near you, but taking the rubberlip plecs off your hands would be most certainly enjoyable! Not that I've got the room in my 170L... :look: Maybe I need another tank.
Wow! He really did sack you with the lot, didn't he? Doubt I'm anywhere near you, but taking the rubberlip plecs off your hands would be most certainly enjoyable! Not that I've got the room in my 170L... :look: Maybe I need another tank.

I would of given them to you and thanked you for taking them. I'm not a plec guy, and not a huge fan of catfish in general.

Fortunately I managed to pass them on without too much issue.

The guy that owns my local shop did tell me that he rarely had them in stock and may put them aside for his personal tanks.

I didn't see the attraction, but I'm certainly not going to judge a guy for his fish preferences.
funny there is a short kid who's 13 and name is Emmanuel at my middle school let's just say he's a little jerk
Hm, maybe it’s genetics? :#:sly:

Ask him why he does it?
Try to get people around in public when you ask him. See if he has a valid response. If he doesn't, then he is probably overcompensating for being short or younger than everyone else and you might suggest he try not to act so immature. Although if he's 12 years old, he probably won't change and will simply call you a doody head and flick a booga at you.
Hehe, I will try that next time. :hey:
HA. That is hilarious, but also awful. There was this boy at our old Homeschool/nature group thing and he was all making fun of my younger sisters like “you’re girls! There’s no way you can beat ME in a race because IM a boy” so my sister was like “uh huh? Let’s race“ so they raced across a field and my sister won by a long distance. It was hilarious, he huffed and puffed and complained that he was distracted
Kid logic is so illogical. :huh:

I think it is illegal to just dump fish in a canal and also very immoral. Hopefully he stops keeping fish if they are disposable items to him.
It is here in Kentucky for sure.
I would of given them to you and thanked you for taking them. I'm not a plec guy, and not a huge fan of catfish in general.

Fortunately I managed to pass them on without too much issue.

The guy that owns my local shop did tell me that he rarely had them in stock and may put them aside for his personal tanks.

I didn't see the attraction, but I'm certainly not going to judge a guy for his fish preferences.
If you're ever out and about in Kent looking in shops, let me know if you find any rubberlips! They're on my top 10 list! Glad you could find someone to take them off your hands though. Nothing worse than being sacked with fish you don't want.
If you're ever out and about in Kent looking in shops, let me know if you find any rubberlips! They're on my top 10 list! Glad you could find someone to take them off your hands though. Nothing worse than being sacked with fish you don't want.

I'm in the north west and I do occasionally see the odd rubberlip for sale, although as I said I'm really not a plec guy and I don't really pay them much attention.

I am looking out for algae eaters that may work in the very soft water range though (1.47 Clarke) although I still wouldn't of kept the plecs if they were suitable.
I'm in the north west and I do occasionally see the odd rubberlip for sale, although as I said I'm really not a plec guy and I don't really pay them much attention.

I am looking out for algae eaters that may work in the very soft water range though (1.47 Clarke) although I still wouldn't of kept the plecs if they were suitable.
I was going to say otocinclus, but then realised that they're basically plecos. They're very nice, though. Maybe shrimp? Not looked into the water hardness preferences for a lot of shrimp but it might be an option.

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