Whole tank shots with new camera

Thanks cfc . Glad i researched before buying . Proos that you should always research new fish before buying. :rolleyes:
Jessica13 said:
juanveldez said:
Jessica13 said:
That tank looks way to small for 'Mr. Hankey'  :(   I think you should try and find some money to buy him a bigger one!  You can get very cheap second hand tanks  :)
thats laughable, :lol: :lol: :lol:
What exactly is laughable? The fact that the fish is being kept in inadequate conditions? I dont find that funny. I understand a lack of space can be a problem but in my opinion, if you cant house a fish in the conditions it needs you shouldn't buy it. CFC is obviously a very experienced and knowledgable fishkeeper so im sure finding a home for that fish will be top of his list ;)

Im sure if I, or most other members, posted about keeping large fish in very small tanks we'd probably being insulted and, judging by some of the things i've seen, banned... But im sure Mr Hankey will be very happy in his new home very soon :)
no if you were insulted it would certanly not by me, the first question would be are you going to get a bigger tank anytime soon. that would be the only thing that would be said.
Awesome tanks CFC! :D You should charge admission to your fishhouse...you'll be able to pay it off in no time then! :p

thanks for sharing
I can't believe you dont have any space! Dont you have a floor? But nice pictures! Are your tanks side by side? Because some of em are sideways, like looking down through it long ways... Those are really cool though! I want another full tank shot of the 200 gal.

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