Whole tank shots with new camera

very nice CFC :thumbs:

:eek: i never knew you had planted tanks! looks good from what i can see :thumbs:

btw, are your snakeheads still breeding?

Jessica13 said:
That tank looks way to small for 'Mr. Hankey' :( I think you should try and find some money to buy him a bigger one! You can get very cheap second hand tanks :)
thats laughable, :lol: :lol: :lol: same here whilst tank space isn't the problem space to house the tank is the problem. I have a festae male sitting in a 5 gallon right now, granted he is only 4 inches and as he gets older and bigger he will be getting upgrades as needed.

looking good though CFC gotta love fish that can put their teeth through your hand and or shock ya right out of your shoes!!!
CFC, I want to be like you when I grow up. :hyper:
cool tanks!!! I seen on your profile you like cats so I was wondering if you could help me. My local fish store just got a new fish in and they are calling it a blue dolphin catfish. It is sky blue @ white . Has round face and very small eyes. Simular to ababy whale in shape only fatter. Markings are like clouds on a blue sky. I know that is astrange way to explain it but... I can't find anything on line help would be appreciated . :dunno:
I am assuming that they are dwarf pikes, right? :nod: I used to have a couple....PSYCHOS!

Great looking tanks, BTW. :)
Fantastic as always CFC. I am truly intrigued by Mr Hanky (what happened to not naming fish...does that mean a betta barracks in the new fish house? :p )

Are you going for broke on the fish house (linking a large number of the tanks together into a central filtration system) or will you keep the current filters. My one regret the way my tanks are spread out is that I can't link all my tanks together.

Anyway. What a great selection. Any thoughts of going marine reef? I remember you saying something about gradually bringing the brackish up to SW but can't remember if your fish would allow coral growth or not...
fish fanatic said:
cool tanks!!! I seen on your profile you like cats so I was wondering if you could help me. My local fish store just got a new fish in and they are calling it a blue dolphin catfish. It is sky blue @ white . Has round face and very small eyes. Simular to ababy whale in shape only fatter. Markings are like clouds on a blue sky. I know that is astrange way to explain it but... I can't find anything on line help would be appreciated . :dunno:
The catfish you have seen is almost certainly one of the Cetopsis species and should be avoided like the plague unless you wish to set up species tank solely for them. Cetopsis catfishes are some of the most predatory fishes on the planet and will attack and consume even much larger fish by burrowing into their skin and eating them inside out, smaller fish are simply swallowed in the traditional manor.

FM, the pike is a Crenicichla sp.bellycrawler and like you say is pure phycho, the only thing i've been able to keep it with is a plec.

Andy, I'm not keen on centralised systems, theres just too many factors being linked to go wrong IMO. The fish house will be used to house one large tank of around 700 gallons on one side of the fish house with a sump and another largish tank below it which will be linked, on the other side there will be a 3 tier high rack of smaller tanks which will be filtered seperately via sponge filters and a multi tap airpump.

There is no chance of being able to have a reef with my brackish fish, scats eat anything and everything and the morays and toad fish make light work of any inverts i add including hermit crabs. For the time being i'm going to be keeping the salinity lower at about 1.014 for the simple reason that it is cheaper :lol: but in the future i may take it up to full marine levels.
Still no comment on the naming of fish, I think I know what all those smaller tanks are for.

I do believe CFC is being tempted to the dark side and the next pictures we see will be of "Bubbles" flaring at his daddy :lol: :p
Still no comment on the naming of fish, I think I know what all those smaller tanks are for.

I do believe CFC is being tempted to the dark side and the next pictures we see will be of "Bubbles" flaring at his daddy

:lol: The name Mr Hankey came about when my mrs first saw him and said "oh my god, it looks like a giant swimming turd" and then the name Mr Hankey was given and it stuck, as a rule i dont name any of my fish and apart from one other (a sucking loach named Edward by our son after his best friend at school) no other fish in the house are named. Trust me you will never see a betta in my collection unless someone discovers a species which have sabre toothed jaws, venom glands and a electrical organ :lol:

The smallest tanks in the fish house will be six 24x15x12" tanks (roughly 20g) for keeping smallish fish like gobies and dwarf snakeheads, the rest of the racking space will be taken by five 48x18x24" and five 36x18x24" tanks.
*me is in shock that cfc has a 10g tank* Niiice, didn't think you were into small tanks though :p I know, get rid\ of the pikes and get a betta :lol:
My Hankey is awsome I want one. I dont think they even sell them here. They are to stingy to have only one fish per tank in the stores here. Your tanks are very nice and very well kept. I wish my tanks looked half that good...Thanks for the advice CFC my fish are all back to normal again.. :D
juanveldez said:
Jessica13 said:
That tank looks way to small for 'Mr. Hankey'  :(  I think you should try and find some money to buy him a bigger one!  You can get very cheap second hand tanks  :)
thats laughable, :lol: :lol: :lol:
What exactly is laughable? The fact that the fish is being kept in inadequate conditions? I dont find that funny. I understand a lack of space can be a problem but in my opinion, if you cant house a fish in the conditions it needs you shouldn't buy it. CFC is obviously a very experienced and knowledgable fishkeeper so im sure finding a home for that fish will be top of his list ;)

Im sure if I, or most other members, posted about keeping large fish in very small tanks we'd probably being insulted and, judging by some of the things i've seen, banned... But im sure Mr Hankey will be very happy in his new home very soon :)
very nice CFC, so true about tank space! Until the parents give in I'm running out of space quickly.
Your tanks are incredible, CFC! Well done! :thumbs:

I can't imagine how hard it would be to move house. :crazy:

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