Ben M
Formerly pest control
thanks, i'l do some research. are they all definitely trilineatus? one of them looks exactly like the cory labelled julii on this site.


True C. julii are rarely seen in the hobby. Unless you know precisely where the fish were collected, your question cannot be answered, but it certainly can be endlessly debated. - Frankare they all definitely trilineatus? one of them looks exactly like the cory labelled julii on this site.
See above edited post. - Franki don't know where they were caught from, but what is your opinion? it also seems fatter than the others. might it just be a female trilineatus?
Until settled and well conditioned, impossible to tell.looking at the other pics, do you think that they are all C. acrensis, or just that one?
No. Why would it be?and if they are all C. acrensis, is that a bad thing
Most Corys in the hobby, have been bred. Some often - some rarely and a few - never. - Frankand would they still possibly breed?
Some settle-in, quickly. Others can take a few weeks. Again, I would not go on the assumption that you ever going to know, with complete certainty. Rather, I would suggest that you simply enjoy your fish.thanks, would it help identify them if i add some more pics in a few weeks, or would it take months to be sure?
That's the spirit. "Why not," is the perfect attitude. - Frankand i'll still have a go at breeding them. why not!
Perfectly within the bounds of "normal" behavior. - Frankis it ok that they occasionally swim up and down the glass, or does that mean they're stressed.