Which Corys, How Many, And Can I Mix Species?

thanks, i haven't had any replies yet, so i think i'll ring them and ask them. getting excited now!!! :hyper: unfortunately, the kribs are showing signs of breeding again.

cheers :good:
i've just rung maidennhead, and they've said they can take them for free, but won't give any store credit. :( i'll see what the garden centre near me says, but if they're the same then i might as well give them away here.

cheers :good:
hi, i've just rung fearne aquatics in hull near st stevens. they said to take them in next weekend, and he's probably give me about £2 each. :D

cheers :good:
thanks, i'm not sure if he meant £2 each cash or store credit. but i'm not really bothered either way, as long as i can get some corys!!!

cheers :good:
Sounds good either way,at least you'll get something for them and then put it towards the cories :good:
yes, i'm still not 100% sure which species to go for. i want an active, playful species, that will breed quite easily, and that is nice looking. i'm starting to think that maybe the trilineatus would be better. what do you think. it's only really the price that is putting me off. but then, in a couple of months i don't want to be wishing that i had spent that bit extra on a nicer looking fish.

cheers :good:
All cories are fab,but i know what you mean,well between my cories,(pandas,trilineatus,skunks,albino & pygmys)i would say the pandas & albinos are the most active,especially in playfulness,always on the go :) The tri's are the first cories i got and they are fab,especially giving me youngsters,although they don't lay many eggs,they have been consistant since last september,they have slowed down now(probably wore themselves out :lol: ) The skunks are plodders,often seen sifting through the sand,they love digging holes in the sand :rolleyes:

So it depends what you like really,if you're after cories to breed then i would say bronze or albinos,these seem regular and large spawners when they get going... and are relatively cheap compared to Trilineatus...
thanks, i think that the bronze will be the best then, as i'm not keen on the albino's, it's just that the trilineatus look really good. but thinking about it, when i've seen them in the shops, the bronze always swim about a lot more. i think i'll get the bronze first, and then when i've had them for a while, consider getting another species as well. if i get another filter of course.

cheers :good:
hi, i have been looking for a centre piece fish to replace the kribs. i have thought about apisto's, bolivian rams and pearl gouramis. would any of these be fine with the corys, i've read contradicting things about the apisto's and bolivian rams. i'll have to make sure non of them will eat the shrimp though.

cheers :good:
They'll all be fine with Corys. At the most, they'll nudge them flexing their muscles, but that's about it.
Just read about the Srhimp. Rams and Apistos will most likely eat cherries or any of similar size. I'm not sure about the Gourami though, but buy them young so that they've grown with them, just in case.
hi, thanks for letting me know. i think that i'll get the shrimp first, let them get used to the tank and breed and whatever, and then add a centre piece fish. i have also being thinking about the scarlet badis as a centre piece fish, but they may be a bit too small. i think i'll have a look round the fish shop and see what they have, and which i like the most.

cheers :good:

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