When the sleeper wakes...

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Really nice tank Bruce! I like heavily planted tanks. I could do with giving this thread a good read from page 1.
Well behaved cat in the last video, is it possible to many floating plants can cause lack of light for the other plants?

I've beenmeaning to buy some floating plants online.
is it possible to many floating plants can cause lack of light for the other plants?
It is...there's a balance to be reached. ;)
In my other two tanks, the current from the filters and bubblers push the floaters around, so they're in almost constant motion. The equivalent of a sunny day with clouds, perhaps.
Well behaved cat in the last video
That'll be the 'well-behaved cat' that photo-bombed the first vid?
He's actually taken quite a liking to that tank. He'll also sit atop the glass lid and watch the fish from above and will drink from the filter for refreshments.:rolleyes:
It is...there's a balance to be reached. ;)
In my other two tanks, the current from the filters and bubblers push the floaters around, so they're in almost constant motion. The equivalent of a sunny day with clouds, perhaps.

You have 3 tanks in total? What are the benefits of having a bubbler? This is interesting now i dont have to worry about floating plants being stuck in a corner... i may have just answered by own question.

That'll be the 'well-behaved cat' that photo-bombed the first vid?
He's actually taken quite a liking to that tank. He'll also sit atop the glass lid and watch the fish from above and will drink from the filter for refreshments.:rolleyes:

Haha yes! :lol:
Had to give him credit for knowing not to photo bomb again.
Found one of my cats sat on some wood in our old terrapin tank once :oops: that same cat tried scooping a gold fish out of a bowl, unfortunately all terrapins, goldfish and sadly the cat have all died.
You have 3 tanks in total?
You ask this, on Page 24, Post 349?😁
What are the benefits of having a bubbler?
You'll know that the surface area of a tank is important, because it determines the amount of water surface oxygen can diffuse into the water? You'll also appreciate that the greater the surface area, the greater the oxygen diffusion.
Bubbles simply increase that surface area, not only where they break surface, but whilst they're travelling upwards...each little sphere has its own surface area.
Bubblers can also create currents and can even break up a strong current from a filter outlet, if strategically placed...and some fish like to explore bubbling streams, whilst others like to hide behind them. My wood shrimp also like to sit in them and filter feed whatever the water is carrying up with them.

This is interesting now i dont have to worry about floating plants being stuck in a corner... i may have just answered by own question.
Another solution;

(Ignore the valve...it was just the closest connector I had to hand).
So water parameters remain constant in all 3 tanks.
In spite of just how much life there is in my SE Asian tank, the absence of Tyrion gives the impression of a huge hole.
In the DGBT, I've realised that Tyrion has started his nest close to the inlet for the filter system, at the rear of the tank. Whilst I've adjusted the flow from the pump to its absolute minimum and anything that travels through the inlet grill will then still be contained, I think I'll be happier finding some very, very fine mesh to put across.
A trip to a local haberdashers may be in order.
So water parameters remain constant in all 3 tanks.
In spite of just how much life there is in my SE Asian tank, the absence of Tyrion gives the impression of a huge hole.
In the DGBT, I've realised that Tyrion has started his nest close to the inlet for the filter system, at the rear of the tank. Whilst I've adjusted the flow from the pump to its absolute minimum and anything that travels through the inlet grill will then still be contained, I think I'll be happier finding some very, very fine mesh to put across.
A trip to a local haberdashers may be in order.
Grab a pair of tights.....obviously not used ones or those still being worn ;)
Grab a pair of tights.....obviously not used ones or those still being worn ;)
Saying it like that, Bruce will have no idea what to do with them.
Good idea and I'd forgotten I actually have a couple of pairs of my own, in a drawer somewhere...they were great insulation when I was a biker and a lot, lot cheaper than the same things wrapped in Butch For Manly Bikers packaging.

Now for a (possibly) exciting UPDATE;

I always spend time watching fish before I go to bed and I noticed Tyrion had re-acquired his deep blue belly, having almost lost it completely during the day.
He'd taken up residence in the heart of the Amazon Sword and the ladies were visiting him. (Lordy, that fish has it well sussed).
And then it happened!
He wrapped her* up within his (surprisingly) flexible body and they embraced for almost half a minute...longer than I was expected and I was just about to feel a little concerned, (and a little pervy, for watching), when they parted, amidst a great cloud of eggs.
She then went and spoiled it somewhat, by tucking in and he joined her, although he just might've stuck some up into the roots of the Salvinia, where he may have planted some bubbles.
Of interest, the other two ladies* kept a respectful distance.

I've switched the filter off and will be monitoring water quality closely, making careful water changes when/if necessary.
I've also attached a food tablet to the glass, just to assuage any hunger pangs from the guys.

*I was too transfixed to note which of the girls he'd entertained.
Good idea and I'd forgotten I actually have a couple of pairs of my own, in a drawer somewhere...they were great insulation when I was a biker and a lot, lot cheaper than the same things wrapped in Butch For Manly Bikers packaging.

Now for a (possibly) exciting UPDATE;

I always spend time watching fish before I go to bed and I noticed Tyrion had re-acquired his deep blue belly, having almost lost it completely during the day.
He'd taken up residence in the heart of the Amazon Sword and the ladies were visiting him. (Lordy, that fish has it well sussed).
And then it happened!
He wrapped her* up within his (surprisingly) flexible body and they embraced for almost half a minute...longer than I was expected and I was just about to feel a little concerned, (and a little pervy, for watching), when they parted, amidst a great cloud of eggs.
She then went and spoiled it somewhat, by tucking in and he joined her, although he just might've stuck some up into the roots of the Salvinia, where he may have planted some bubbles.
Of interest, the other two ladies* kept a respectful distance.

I've switched the filter off and will be monitoring water quality closely, making careful water changes when/if necessary.
I've also attached a food tablet to the glass, just to assuage any hunger pangs from the guys.

*I was too transfixed to note which of the girls he'd entertained.
If you have a spare tank set up this is the time to float the eggs away. I would use a 2-liter ice cream container. It is simple to just float the whole nest away and place it in another tank.
If you have a spare tank set up this is the time to float the eggs away. I would use a 2-liter ice cream container. It is simple to just float the whole nest away and place it in another tank.
Thanks for the input.
My intent was to return the guys to the large SE Asian tank, leaving the DGBT empty, bar eggs.
My problem is that once I've returned the three to the main tank, it'll be a beggar to re-capture them and start again, if the eggs didn't take.
I know there's a continual risk of the adults eating eggs/fry, but I'm also aware they must manage in the wild somehow and I want to be sure there's a viable collection before I remove the adults.
Plus, it isn't really clear where the eggs might be. Examples on the net all seem to show nice, distinct bubble nests, whereas ours are amidst a mass of Salvinia.

Interesting times.
Shrimp Notes
Whilst feeding this morning, I was able to observe an Amano shrimp moult at the other end of the tank.
I grew concerned as other shrimp then seemed to make a bee-line for it, but was then both relieved and interested to see that it was the cast-off carapace that they were interested in.
take the girl out and see if he will spawn with the others
it sounds like there wasn't a proper nest due to the filter...?
if he did made a viable bubble nest won't he tend to the eggs, like a Betta?
DGBT Update
it sounds like there wasn't a proper nest due to the filter...?
The filter was on a really low setting and the current was quite negligible near the intake.

take the girl out and see if he will spawn with the others
I thought about that, but as I said, I didn't pay close enough attention to which girl received his favours. Removing fish will require netting and I learned from recent experience that just one alone in the big tank will at least appear distressed.
When I remove the ladies, I'll be removing all of them and I have a plan to facilitate that, without disturbing Tyrion or any nests too much.

if he did made a viable bubble nest won't he tend to the eggs, like a Betta?
That's what I'd be hoping for and expecting.

I've been watching whilst enjoying a coffee and the spectacle...
The ladies remain chilled and are feeding sporadically at a food tablet, pressed to the glass.
If one approaches Tyrion, he gently ushers them away.
Tyrion appears to be tending to two areas of the surface. Tyrion made a bubble nest when he was alone in the big tank, so I know he's capable. It is possible that it just isn't visible amongst the roots of the Salvinia.
Currently, Tyrion has lost his dark blue chest colouration. I'll watch to see if it returns and observe his interactions with the ladies. Remember, I started with 3 apparently healthy young females, each with the capacity to reproduce.

If I see another mating*, I'll then be happy to remove the girls and place them into the main SE Asia Tank and leave Tyrion to his paternal duties.

*I'm also aware that other matings may have already taken place, when I wasn't watching.

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