When Did This Forum Become A Porn Forum?

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just wanna say good job by the mods, and thanks for handling this rather disturbing matter as fast as possible:)
I agree with most tho that maybe the first few posts by newbies should be checked before being published but that would also cause problems such as tying up mods time and newbies whom need help urgently may not get the help they need if their post is delayed in being displayed.
and what would the newbie do who simply wants some experienced help for a problem in their tank? wait, i doubt it, they would go somewhere else!
the number of posts is small, compared to the daily post total. and it would seem, the number of people offended may be even smaller. there seems little reason to change any rules, however offended those few are! I agree i would be livid if a child of mine, under 14, had seen images like those described via a forum or search engine. however the fault would be mine, not that of the forum or search engine, as, ultimately, i am responsible for ensuring they do not see these things.
right this is my idea.. ( i dont get many, so bear with me ) if the software( or whatever it is) that can keep the robots from posting on here is expensive, then why dont we the users contribute by means of a "paypal donate" button, i am almost certain that most of us would be more than happy to do so, i would, i love this site!.
i have been on a few ,infact a lot of sites that use these buttons,it could be at the users descretion how much they choose to give and hopefully will ensure a safer,cleaner site, and i do think that as the users/members here it is our responsibilty as much as Williams to ensure we keep it safe for everyone, i was horrified yesterday when puppyjess (12) asked "whats viagra?" and i would be more than happy to help in anyway i can to get this stopped ASAP
this maynot be a good idea, but its the best i can come up with at this time in the morning,

shelagh xxx
On Registration here their is an "Security Code Confirmation" section which looks like this

This means a human has to register the account and not a bot
How ever once registered a bot can post.
Their is also a 20 second spam filter here to stop mass spamming

Whats happening is someone is posting physically posting the the topic's!!!!!!!
The reason why is coz their on commision or own the sites.

Their quite sad rearly but you cant stop some posting unless William blocks all uploads and linking images then we'll be unable to post any pics and will not get any help.......

All what can be done is ask for more mods in the hope that if this happens the people will be banned and the material deleted ASAP.

For the size of the site their is only a hand full of mods here and it needs more.
I'm 12 but i seen it all before basically all ma m8s have. I watch the sex eduation show and remember we get taught about sex in school. Who cares? Well i don't some poeple might i personally just click off the topic.
right this is my idea.. ( i dont get many, so bear with me ) if the software( or whatever it is) that can keep the robots from posting on here is expensive, then why dont we the users contribute by means of a "paypal donate" button, i am almost certain that most of us would be more than happy to do so, i would, i love this site!.
i have been on a few ,infact a lot of sites that use these buttons,it could be at the users descretion how much they choose to give and hopefully will ensure a safer,cleaner site, and i do think that as the users/members here it is our responsibilty as much as Williams to ensure we keep it safe for everyone, i was horrified yesterday when puppyjess (12) asked "whats viagra?" and i would be more than happy to help in anyway i can to get this stopped ASAP
this maynot be a good idea, but its the best i can come up with at this time in the morning,

shelagh xxx

seen this idea implemented on another forum in the past, they were struggling to keep it running and asked for donations, everyone said they would but only 2 people (i was one of them) actually did contribute. especially with the current credit crunch everyones hard up, i'd be very surprised if it managed to make a significant amount of money :/
yeah i appreciate what your saying, and it was never going to be as easy as i made it sound ( i have such a knack for that ;) ) but even so its still worth considering IMO :)
I think that this topic has played itself out, you have all vented your frustrations and it hasn't been lost on the mods and as stated before everything that can be done is being done at this time just bear with us and we as a community will get by this
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