When Did This Forum Become A Porn Forum?

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New Member
Sep 18, 2008
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I am disgusted with the fact that in the last 2 days of loging into this forum i have come accross numerous pornographic images.
This site is accessed by the younger generation aswell as the older generation and this is unacceptable behaviour in my opinion if this is what people like to see or post then there are sites dedicated to such muck but maybe im the only person maybe im not that feel this is not one of those sites.
Please can moderators do something about this as i dont like reading somebodys post related to this forum then getting met with these images especially when i have young children whom usually sat with me when im browsing this forum.
This cant be helped, the admin and mods will remove them as soon as they can.

But if we was all banned from uploading and linking pics to the site no one would use it.

This is when we need extra mods on the borads
what would you like the mods to do to stop it exactly?
Ban all pics from been posted that would sure make a fun site!
I reported two posts yesterday and they where removed in mins thats all i think they can do some ppl are just rude sad or imature and all forums on the internet experience this kind of thing
scot :good:
Unfortunatly porn is just something that cant be stopped on any forum completely.

I work in IT for a law firm and on a normal working day I clear thousands of emails, images, and popups from the system. We have the most up to date software for stopping it.

Im afraid even if you stopped pics and links they would still get it through somehow. Whens there money to be made they will find a way.
I reported the posts as soon as thay appeared too

These spammers use automated software only way to put a halt to them is by securing the forum and registering process by means of image verification then limit the first few posts to 2 or 3 forums

sadly this all takes time and sometimes money to implement

(ex-root admin on a ipb forum)
I know mods cannot stop it but you would think that the peeps posting them would show some consideration by maybe at least posting just a link and not actual images.
I suppose like you said before its a way of money making so i presume they dont care less if kids see them or not.
I didnt by any means mean to give to the impression that mods on this site were not doing their job incase that how i came across as i agree witha comment before that yesterday i reported such images and a few mins later they were removed my problem is with the numptys posting them.
sure thay make money from it mainly asia, russian and lately hungary based spammers thay use automated software write 1 post and spam 40-50 forums in one go

thay just use a url and dont care what type of forum it may be sad i know
its a shame but ive now noticed this one about seven over fish sites, as ive been reading up earier on species profiles ive done the site to site tour and there all plagued by these sad individuals :good:
its not the fault of the members or the mods, its just some sad individuals trying to spoil the avarage persons enjoyment,
if you notice it, as said report it by clicking the report button at bottom of thread,

its not a usual thing on this site, i have been on here for a few years now, this is the first time ive ever seen this, its a very family oriantated fish site
I came across some yesterday, and have to say it was removed as soon as it possibly could have been,
I didnt know what to do but with the help of other people and the mods, it was problem solved.

So a big well done to the mods. :good:
a lot of new memebers seem to have a homepage that is about porn! i just noticed this, its not porn but totally irrelavant to fish ( penis enlargemnent) member -mefcliferuilt
my son is also a member on this site and i have now disabled his laptop from using the siite ( sorry but needs must) i am really surprised that this sort of spam is allowed, i know its cleaned up ASAP, but all the same!
a lot of new memebers seem to have a homepage that is about porn! i just noticed this, its not porn but totally irrelavant to fish ( penis enlargemnent) member -mefcliferuilt
my son is also a member on this site and i have now disabled his laptop from using the siite ( sorry but needs must) i am really surprised that this sort of spam is allowed, i know its cleaned up ASAP, but all the same!

Thats terrible you had to stop you son using the forum but i would have done the same, hopefully all this stuff will stop as soon as it began, i never seen any stuff like that on here until the last two days.

The links are fairly easy to spot and avoid, but when its in the middle of a thread its difficult, i am scrowing down a tab slower when my kids are around.
i am really surprised that this sort of spam is allowed, i know its cleaned up ASAP, but all the same!

That makes no sense, It isnt allowed, thats why it is removed quick. They cant ban pics, or links as this is a big part of our forum, sharing pictures and links to species profiles. The mods are kind of helpless all they need is for people to report it then they can remove it and not people having a go at them. Thats wasnt aimed at you shelagh just wanted to reply to the allowed bit :D.

Also I have a suggestion to the admins and mods of the site, Can you not do something like MFK where your first 5-10 posts have to be approved like a trial period?...
oh you plonker :p i didnt mean allowed as in allowed, i meant , how are bots allowed to spam, how are they able to get onto tthe board in the first place.
It's a shame all this but truthfully, no child below 14 should have unrestricted access to any, open public forum. by definition the only action that can be taken is remedial. if these images upset some so much, perhaps they should think of joining a closed members only forum. report them and then ignore them, constant complaining posts, may very well just encourage people to do it! we live in a free world, that means everyone is free, not just those who think they should be. just my thoughts :sad:

i think we also need to get this in perspective. i spend many, many hours on this forum. but i haver yet to see any of the posts mentioned here
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