well i have several foods for my fish, from dry flakes,dry tubifex worms and tablets for bottom feeders, it seems like they all only really go after the tablets, unlessi get guppy feeders they tear them up, then tan k contains 2 angels,3 neons,1 synposis,1 cat,1 guppy who thinks she is a neon since all the males die and a bala shark and a beta wow more then i though heh
wa sjust really wondering what a food i could try for them ans do cichlids really go after angels till they die? i had a few b4 and would like them again at eleast just a decent sized pair
wa sjust really wondering what a food i could try for them ans do cichlids really go after angels till they die? i had a few b4 and would like them again at eleast just a decent sized pair