What was your first fish

What was your first fish? Was it some tetras? What about a betta? Mine was a Betta named Lucky.
my first fish was a goldfish names goldie (as in goldielocks)! she had a filter but her tank was really small like a gallon or something. me and my dad tried really hard and she lived for many years which was really suprising considering i didn't know what i was doing the whole time hahah! she was one of my best friends and i miss her greatly. a couple of years later i decided i wanted to get a fish again, but the right way this time. my sister had a betta fish and so did my school, so i decided i wanted one. i got a 5 gallon tank, read up on why your not supposed to clean tanks with soap, or move the fish while you clean the tank, and why they need so much space even though you might thing 5 gallons is too much for a betta fish. he was the only veiltail at pet-co and i got him and i was so freaking excited. his name is aries, or ares, because of his temper. his hobbies include jumping and dancing whenever anyone comes up to his tank.
I was weird in not what I chose but how quickly it progressed . My first fish was a betta back when I was 11. Felt bad for him ( he was originally in a five gallon with some ghost shrimp ) and got a thirty gallon tank and put in a female . Skip forward about three months and they breed . And now I’ve been breeding regular and specialty bettas for ten years now . I’m working on a dwarf breed rn that I happened to randomly get form a breed ( not going great though) and working on half suns
I was weird in not what I chose but how quickly it progressed . My first fish was a betta back when I was 11. Felt bad for him ( he was originally in a five gallon with some ghost shrimp ) and got a thirty gallon tank and put in a female . Skip forward about three months and they breed . And now I’ve been breeding regular and specialty bettas for ten years now . I’m working on a dwarf breed rn that I happened to randomly get form a breed ( not going great though) and working on half suns
Me and my sisters had a lot of goldfish and stuff growing up, but my first fish that was MINE, was a betta named Bob. Bob inspired me to keep fish, because after he died i realized how bad i took care of him. Then i got my 10g, then a 5g with betta, then i sold 10g to my cousin and got 20g L (thanks to you guys telling me 10g is too small for mollies). And uhhh...yeah.
My first fish were 2 small fantail goldfish. One was orange and the other was orange and white. They lived in a small fish bowl with about 4 litres of water. Each week I scooped them out with a cup, washed the bowl out with tap water, filled it with tap water and added a teaspoon of "goldfish salt". Then I put the fish back in the bowl.

The goldfish salt was sodium chloride with Methylene Blue added to it so it was blue salt.

Unfortunately back then, pet shops didn't tell you how to keep fish. If you didn't know, they weren't going to tell you. The only thing they would tell you is to clean the tank each week. They usually said to take the fish and plants out and wash everything then put it back together. Boy things have changed since then.
Actually, my first fish was a goldfish. I was about 4 when I won them.

My sister won one and I won one at a church field day .We had them in a little 3 gallon terrarium, with no filter.

We used distilled water for water changes. (My mom did all the work, but she did daily 100% water changes)

One day she used tap water instead of distilled water, killing the fish while we were at school.

Still beat myself up about it, knowing I could have done better. :(
I was weird in not what I chose but how quickly it progressed . My first fish was a betta back when I was 11. Felt bad for him ( he was originally in a five gallon with some ghost shrimp ) and got a thirty gallon tank and put in a female . Skip forward about three months and they breed . And now I’ve been breeding regular and specialty bettas for ten years now . I’m working on a dwarf breed rn that I happened to randomly get form a breed ( not going great though) and working on half suns
so cool! arent bettas and blue gouramies similar at the time of breeding? if so, could you give me some tips for successful breeding? Thanks in advance
so cool! arent bettas and blue gouramies similar at the time of breeding? if so, could you give me some tips for successful breeding? Thanks in advance
They do breed similarly.

You may want to start a new thread of or your breeding Bettas though. ;)
My first fish were of a species we probably shouldn't have kept. I was very young and my father and I were starting a 40 gallon tropical community together. We bought three goldfish to cycle the tank with the intention of returning them when we were ready for others (which was stupid). However, once a four year old child names the fish, there's no returning them... and that's how three goldfish ended up in a totally inappropriate tank for several years. Considering everything that was wrong with the situation, I am surprised they lived as long as they did.
My first fish was a Ryukin Goldfish. I had her for 7 years! She ended up with swim bladder and I had no idea how to save her.??
Hi sorry
She was by herself. I used to buy gallons of water from the grocery store. I didn't know as much as I know now about caring for goldfish.

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